Italy 24 Press News

after 40 years and important restoration works, the new “Beato Pellegrino” Cineteatro reopens its doors

A historic event and a great celebration for the town and its community.

Falerone – “Think how nice it would be if our theater reopened in Falerone” said in a smiling voice the child chosen as the protagonist of a video that launched the crowdfunding campaign to mobilize citizens and companies to raise the 75,000 euros needed to have the same amount financed, as requested the Anci Marche tender in which the Municipality had participated. Well, that “beautiful” dream was realized by Falerone and all the citizens gathered in the new “Beato pellegrino” Theater which, after almost 40 years, was reopened on Saturday with a solemn inauguration ceremony. A real event, a moment of collective celebration that has strengthened that sense of belonging to the same community, in a country seriously injured by the 2016 earthquake, but which is gradually getting back on its feet and reclaiming pieces of its history.
“ A space for social and cultural aggregation that has been missing for too long and which yesterday showed itself in all its renewed beauty, with its 138 seats, the new velvet curtains, the 4K giant screen with the latest generation stereo system , its leather armchairs, red like the color of the passion of those who worked hard to give it new life.
Mayor Armando Altini was moved when he heard the voice of that child in the video and when he retraced the steps that led to this result, a long and far from simple bureaucratic process.
“The structure was owned by the Parish of San Paolino which had started the procedures to obtain funds – earthquake – he began – But the state the structure was in after so many years of abandonment was nothing short of disastrous, with also considerable water infiltrations inside of. As an Administration we were determined to give back to the town this symbolic place where entire generations of Falerone residents had spent their youth. After the crowd funding with which we raised over 90,000 euros, we intercepted other calls for tenders, Prnn funds, and by also using budget money we furnished the cinema and rearranged the entire exterior, from the surrounding walls to the flooring. In 2022 the Curia handed over the property to the Municipality and now, after 4 years of work, we will decide who will manage it. What will we do? There are many ideas: theater seasons, courses for students, cinema. The important thing is that the next administrations know how to maintain, govern, manage and pass on to the new generations, this Cineteatro that was missing and that Falerone finally has”.
The President of the Province Michele Ortenzi who did not miss this important moment, complimented Mayor Altini for the objective achieved. “Falerone was one of the few municipalities in the province that did not have an indoor theatre, despite having the fantastic outdoor Roman Theater as its uniqueness – he said – A cinema theater that can be used all year round has a fundamental function of aggregation, growth and sharing which it revives communities and helps make them so.”
After the ribbon cutting and the speeches, the new “Beato Pellegrino” immediately experienced the emotion of music with the performance of the Accordance Trio, composed of Federico Bracalente on cello, Giacomo Gradozzi on double bass and Daniele Cococcioni on accordion, who proposed a repertoire of film soundtracks by Morricone and Piazzolla and was warmly applauded by the audience. Then everyone went to the refreshments set up in the council room, given that a few drops of rain prevented it from being held on the panoramic terrace of the structure.

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