Italy 24 Press News

Open construction sites: safely guided tours of the churches of the Diocese of Carpi

In this month of May, the twelfth anniversary of the Emilian earthquake, the update of the post-earthquake reconstruction of the heritage of Diocese of Carpi and the work carried out byReal Estate Office, is accompanied by the communication of local events scheduled in the coming months, which allow you to see the progress of the reconstruction up close. The initiative is called Open construction sites and, alongside moments of illustration of the work in progress on the construction sites underway, it provides moments of safe visits also open to non-experts. On these visits, small groups of curious they will be able to cross the thresholds of enclosures and churches accompanied by technicians from the various Works Management offices, and thus receive live information.

We start on June 1st (10.00-12.30) with a visit to the construction site of the church of Tramuschio; on June 15th (10.00-12.00) it will be the turn of the construction site of the church of Fossa. In September, on a date still being defined, it will be possible to enter the construction site of the church of San Martino Spino.

The Diocese confirms the reopenings of Villa Resti-Ferrari to Roloon the afternoon of June 15, and of church of Tramuschio, on the morning of July 21st. As announced, the tender procedures for the awarding of the repair and restoration works of the bell tower of Rovereto, to which is added a further safety intervention of the church to allow investigations and in-depth analysis functional to the completion of the restoration project of the same. As regards the projects under investigation, several executive projects are being examined by the commissioner structure, including those of the Church of Gavellofrom the Parish Church of Quarantolihe was born in Episcopal seminary. Once this phase has been completed, the procurement procedure for the works can be started.

For other projects, such as those of the Churches of San Paolo a Concordia and San Martino Secchia, the ongoing investigation concerns the authorization of the first project phase.

Private reconstruction

The latest commissioner order (n. 8/2024 of 15 April) granted temporary relief to the MUDE private reconstruction practices, extending the deadlines for completing the various requests to December 2025. This will allow the projects to be completed in a more relaxed climate. construction sites started, including the former kindergarten in via Luosi and the former sacristy of the SS Sacramento, both in Mirandola, and the rectory of Limidi; and to start and complete the works on the oratory in via Cavour in Mirandola, and on the rectories of Tramuschio and Cortile.

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