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Coldiretti Alessandria let’s put a cherry tree in the garden – – PC Lava – Magazine Alessandria today

Coldiretti Alessandria

Inaugurated this morning at the “Santa Maria del Tempio” primary school in Casale Monferrato
School: let’s put a cherry tree in the garden… to understand the rhythm of seasonality
A new series of educational courses is starting in the area that will not go on holiday
Countdown to the end of the school year but the enthusiasm of small farmers for the creation of vegetable gardens and educational initiatives to learn about seasonality and the rhythms of nature continues.
Just as happened this morning at the primary school of Santa Maria del Tempio in Casale Monferrato where, coordinated by the teacher Maria Costanzo, to the great joy of the little students, a cherry tree was planted and courgettes, strawberries, peppers, basil, salads, tomatoes, chard and aubergines.
“Coldiretti Alessandria enters the classroom, or rather the garden, with the aim of continuing to grow in the area the paths with which the children, in addition to knowing how to do, will ‘test’ the seasonality and quality of the agricultural products that reach the table . A precious opportunity to offer children the opportunity to deal, in a theoretical-practical and structured way, with the management of the garden, both from a cognitive point of view and by directly touching the earth and observing, taking care of, the natural cycle of its fruits ”, stated the President of Coldiretti Alessandria Mauro Bianco.
The best way to enhance the territory and train women and men aware of what it means to bring quality food to the table to rebuild the bond that unites agricultural products with the foods consumed every day. The right lifestyle and balanced relationship with nature can be passed on to the new generations only with practical example.
Experimenting directly in the field with the cultivation and growth of plants, taking care of them and even getting to taste the fruits is much more than a lesson, it means participating in the miracle of nature, it is an emotion that involves the body, mind and spirit, and it is also these emotions that kids need.
“Experience is a fundamental part of the growth of children, even very small ones as in this case, because they themselves are protagonists of an important action such as taking care of a seed or a plant. In the direct relationship with nature, the little students are the protagonists of a multisensory adventure in which emotions, sensations, colours, flavors and smells have become vehicles for cognitive and social development, and all this through the path of the child-friendly garden child”, added the Director of Coldiretti Alessandria Roberto Bianco.
The combination of school and agriculture is essential for children to realize the products that the land produces and appreciate them, and knowing full well that the garden never goes on holiday, small farmers have already started thinking about how to ‘enrich the offer ‘ for the next few months!

Alexandria, 22 May 2024

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