Italy 24 Press News

Director Carelli clarifies the transfers necessary for the new hospital

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05/22/2024 – This morning the General Director of Ast Pu Alberto Carelli visited the Urbino hospital and met with the directors of the operating units to have an initial discussion on the priorities to be addressed in the coming weeks for the Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital .

“I thank all the staff of the various structures – explains Carelli – an important point of reference for a very large catchment area and which guarantees responses to the health needs of patients in the hinterland of the province. A hospital that records significant numbers and production in terms of activity and for this reason must maintain its autonomy. One of the emergencies to be addressed is that of staff recruitment and new hires, to strengthen and fill gaps in the various departments. A focus was also on medical equipment and technologies, fundamental tools to allow operators to work safely, giving quality to performance and consequently making the Urbino hospital attractive. A useful meeting to outline the path and give a timing to emergencies and provide support to operators”.

On this occasion, Carelli also met the mayor Maurizio Gambini and the councilor Elisabetta Foschi.

Still in the context of the development of Ast Pu’s activities, director Carelli intends to clarify what has been published in the press regarding the mental health services that will have to be transferred for the construction of the new hospital in Pesaro.

“The priority for the search for new premises for the allocation of the protected structures and the mental health centre, which will have to be transferred to allow the construction of the new hospital in Pesaro, remains that of keeping them located in the Pesaro area” and adds: “The new notice will be published by May and contains the need for the allocation of services within the municipality of Pesaro and only subordinately within the district territory of Pesaro. The goal is to limit inconvenience to patients as much as possible. We are doing this in agreement with the mental health department, which handles around a thousand patients. In recent days the management has worked to find spaces within the municipality of Pesaro, informally contacting the technicians of the municipal administration and other entities, who unfortunately reported that they did not have any premises available. Furthermore, steps were also taken to meet with the associations of the families of the patients currently being cared for, in order to also allocate the day centre.

We are working in collaboration and synergy with all the administrations and subjects involved. An effort is needed from everyone to find a solution that allows us to deal with an imminent need and that allows us to avoid inconvenience to patients and guarantees operators to work safely while maintaining a high quality of services provided. Unfortunately, no useful solutions have been found by the administrations involved, but we are currently checking spaces that will allow the various structures to remain in Pesaro while limiting inconvenience as much as possible. A new inspection was carried out this morning, at some properties, still within the city of Pesaro, in order to verify their possible use”.

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