Italy 24 Press News

VENETO – Incursion of a bear into an apiary

For the fourth time, a bear attacked an apiary in Faè (Longarone).

The provincial police, who are monitoring the situation, reported the episode. After the attacks in Fornesighe and Solagnot (in Val di Zoldo), this time the plantigrade left signs of its presence in Faè (Longarone), where last night it hit an apiary.

The bear raided four hives, leaving a paw print of about 10 centimeters on a frame. The Provincial Police, who are analyzing the predations, hypothesize that it is a young animal, probably the same one that has been wandering around the Zoldano mountains for a week. Wildlife experts explain that the bear seems to have taken to visiting the apiaries in the area to feed on larvae, wax sheets, bees and the limited quantities of honey present at this time of year. It is possible that the bear still remains in the territory, depending on the availability of food, or that it abandons it, given that it is a dispersing animal.

The Provincial Police will continue to monitor the bear’s movements, including by installing camera traps. Beekeepers are invited to check their hives daily, even those located near roads and homes, to prevent further predation.

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