Italy 24 Press News

The Fly Revolution project of the Oriani Institute of Faenza wins the 2023-24 edition of “SCOOP – Cooperation at school”

The project of the 3rd B SIA class of the Oriani Institute of Faenza, FLY REVOLUTION for a tourist cooperative that organizes trips in Italy and abroad, with particular attention to fragile places at risk of depopulation, is the winner of the 2023-24 edition of “SCOOP – Cooperation at school”, path to raise awareness and support cooperative start-ups within schools promoted by Confcooperative Emilia Romagna with the support of the Region and the support of territorial unions and cooperatives.

There are approximately 700 students, divided into 32 classes of 24 secondary schools in Emilia-Romagnawho participated in the 2023-24 edition of SCOOP.

The cooperative start-up projects were presented yesterday in the Sala 20 Maggio of the Emilia-Romagna Region, in Bologna, in the presence of the regional councilor for Economic Development, Work and Training Vincenzo Colla and the director of Confcooperative Emilia Romagna Pierlorenzo Rossi.

From the start-up specializing in film editing to the idea of ​​an app for fostering pets, from the creation of self-managed spaces within schools, to initiatives for greater inclusion of deaf-mute people, up to second-hand clothing sales or initiatives to promote the mental health of young people: there were numerous cooperative business ideas presented by the students, who were then able to express their preferences with an online vote.

“The cooperative business projects presented by the students intercept the issues promoted by the Region as part of the Pact for Work and the Climate, with particular attention to environmental, social and economic sustainability” said the regional councilor for Economic Development and Work Vincenzo Colla, congratulating the girls and boys and teachers. “We are going through major transitions, from the ecological to the digital one, which will lead us to increasingly modify our production and organizational models; the real protagonists of these changes are young people with their digital skills, their attention to solidarity and environmental protection, their balance between quality of life and commitment to work. It is the task of institutions and associations to accompany these young people, in particular transferring to them those cooperative principles that are so present and rooted in our region”.

“The European Union has decided to promote and support the Social Economy, which sees cooperation as the undisputed protagonist thanks to fundamental requirements such as democratic governance, relationship with the territory and prevalence of the person over capital – said the director of Confcooperative Emilia Romagna, Pierlorenzo Rossi -. The start-up projects presented express the cooperative principles in a new and creative way, trying to respond to the needs of the younger generations. We are convinced that what we have learned in the cooperative education process can represent for these boys and girls an important heritage of values ​​and knowledge for their human and professional growth. The same knowledge of the themes of Social Economy will certainly be able to give them greater help”.

29 classes attended the final SCOOP event who exhibited their projects and received a certificate of recognition. At the end, special mentions were awarded to the projects of the following classes.
– Liceo Alessandro da Imola, 4th class with the MGNT WEAR coop project (gender equality and body inclusive clothing line with attention to the theme of sustainability).
– Nelson Mandela Higher Institute of Castelnvo ne’ Monti (RE), 2nd T class with the APE IN CENTRO project Soc. coop. (initiative to respond to the real need to enhance an important place for the community using culture).
– Luigi Einaudi Institute of Ferrara, 4th B and 4th S classes with the T(IN)SEGNO IL PALIO project (dissemination of contents relating to the Palio of Ferrara with attention to the inclusion of deaf-mute people).
Bucci Institute of Faenza, class 4°B – MT with the project THE OLD CAR IS THE FUTURE COOP. METAL-ELECTRO-MECHANICAL (Transformation of motor vehicles no longer compliant with polluting emission laws and preparation of any pending approvals).
– Isiss Giordani of Parma, 4th class N with the Amici Mediatori social coop project (response to the needs of many students of foreign origin).
Macrelli Institute of Cesena, 5th F WELL class with the Urban Green project (promotion of psycho-physical well-being, through activities relating to sports and health, inclusion, eco-sustainability through the creation of a natural-sized board game).
Maestre Pie Institute of Rimini, 3rd B LES class with the ACS MAESTREPIE project to raise awareness among the school population on sustainability issues.

Through the online voting held during the event, the most voted project is result that of the Oriani Institute of Faenza – class 3°B SIA with the tourist cooperative FLY REVOLUTION for the organization of trips in Italy and abroad, with particular attention to fragile places and at risk of depopulation, starting from the rediscovery of local communities.

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