Italy 24 Press News

Telling the facts is not good for Naomo and his acolytes

by Fabio Anselmo*

“S*** communist”: this is how yesterday the deputy mayor Naomo Lodi addressed the journalist of a local newspaper who was doing her job in Gad where a fight had broken out between a group of drug dealers.

Yes, because drug dealing and crime have not disappeared from the Gad area as they would have us believe. And telling the facts is not good for Naomo and his acolytes. Informing, communicating what really happens in the city beyond and outside of the sugar-coated propaganda that is administered to us every day is not welcome, it is for “f***ing communists”, not a right of citizenship, it is not a principle constitutional, it is not a pillar of freedom

An attitude in full harmony with the Government which has now muzzled Rai and the news, forcing Rai News the day before yesterday, in the midst of the electoral campaign for the European elections and making waste of the level playing field, to broadcast live 46 minutes of speeches by Giorgia Meloni. Obviously without contradiction. Because the Boss, as we know, should not be contradicted. And he is always right.

We are rapidly approaching those regimes that the right like so much, Alan Fabbri, Senator Balboni and Naomo Lodi where freedom of the press is denied, the judiciary is subjected to political power and citizens’ rights are denied. We are all less free people.

Even in the Municipality of Ferrara there is bad weather for those who are not in line with the regime’s propaganda: as the candidate Leonardo Uba recalled, citing the results of a survey conducted by the Single Guarantee Committee of the Municipality of Ferrara: as many as 14% of those works in the municipality and feels threatened due to his political and trade union ideas. Other “f***ing communists”?

The city we want is not like this. The Municipality we want is transparent, it does not hide the facts under the carpet of propaganda, it does not discriminate against those who work there on the basis of political ideas, it focuses on openness and not closure, it looks inside and beyond the Walls with its feet firmly planted in our history and an eye towards the future.

*candidate for mayor of Ferrara

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