Italy 24 Press News

Ninety years of Avis municipality of La Spezia, a youth football trophy opens the celebrations

The municipal Avis of La Spezia celebrates its anniversary this year 90th anniversary of foundationan important milestone that will be celebrated with some cultural, sporting and recreational events that will end with the official celebration on June 23rd.
“The first of some events we have organized to celebrate our 90th anniversary of foundation will take place on Sunday 12 May – Giacomo Grande, president of the municipal Avis of La Spezia, takes stock -. Thanks to the collaboration of the Fcd La Foce 2013 sports club and all its staff, who immediately made themselves available – starting from the president Daniele Gagliardi, a person particularly sensitive to social issues -, and to whom our thanks go, the boys from the 2013 draft of some city and provincial teams will compete, sportingly speaking, for the 1st 90th anniversary Avis municipal La Spezia trophy. The tournament will start at 9.00 am at the Fuori Campo sports field in Rebocco. As Avis we are convinced that to make our message of solidarity and civic sense known, the first step must be taken by involving children and young people, in schools and in sport. Our hope is that within a few years they could be our new donors; but not only that, for years we have also bet that these children, before being donors, are promoters of the importance of donating blood to the adults around them: parents, uncles, grandparents… All together in donating, because it is important, because it is healthy , because it’s beautiful! Furthermore, our association has always promoted healthy, correct and positive lifestyles, and sporting activity is an example of this. It is precisely for this reason that on the occasion of our 90th anniversary we thought of organizing some sporting events aimed specifically at them!”.

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