Italy 24 Press News

Sudtirol-Palermo, Valente: “On the pitch with the right tension and energy. Kurtic out”

The statements released by the Sudtirol coach on the eve of the match: “We want to play a good match against Palermo”.

“The team is preparing for the last match, which comes after two particularly intense and demanding weeks, also with travel. It’s clear that we want to say goodbye in the best possible way.” Federico said it Valenswho spoke at the press conference on the eve of the match against Palermoscheduled for Friday evening at the Stadium “Druze”. “To the unavailable Tait and Scaglia are added El Kaouakibi and Kurtic”, continued the technician South Tyrol.

“Turnover? These absences lead us to identify solutions to be defined after today’s training and tomorrow morning’s finishing. Whoever is fresh and has the ability will play. We are called to give our best in this last match because we have the obligation to finish at our best this season. I don’t know who will play yet. Salvation is the main objective, I’m happy. We will take the field with the right tension and energy, without strong pressure, therefore with the possibility of playing our best cards against a Palermo team who will also try to win the match to maintain their position in the standings with a view to the playoffs.”her words.

“We want to play a good match in front of our fans, who deserve it: it must be a celebration. I could change something in the middle of the pitch or at the back, we will play with three. I can’t say the final choice yet, I want to watch the last training session. I will choose who has more energy. Who saw the Pisa match I had to make four substitutions, automatic set pieces against or in favor are not always so easy. Defending in dead balls every second you have to be ready and active. A bit of concentration was missing.” , concluded Valente.

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May 9 – 1.34pm


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