Italy 24 Press News

Agreement between the organic district and Banca Monte dei Paschi

Grosseto. Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena and the Organic District of the Tuscan Maremma signed an agreement in Grosseto for support associated businesses operating in the agri-food sector through a collaborative process aimed at promoting growth and supporting development initiatives to compete abroad.

The agreement thus aims to improve investment capacity and simplify procedures for accessing credit of the organic companies present in the territories of the Grosseto Maremma and the lower Maremma, with the aim of promoting organic agriculture while protecting traditions, local specialties and values ​​of environmental sustainability. A commitment that MPS has been carrying out for some time, as a reference bank for the agrifood sector and the DOP Economy in Italy, to increase quality, promote sustainability and accompany the ecological transition.

The agreement

In detail, the agreement provides for the offer of specialist consultancy by the Bank through the MPS Agroalimentare center in Grosseto, support for projects aimed at establishing and enhancing supply chains and business networks and promoting the dissemination of a culture financial with the aim of stimulating innovation in the local agricultural and agri-food sector. Banca Mps also makes it available to associated companies specialized consultancy iin the field of subsidized finance and offers its support in any internationalization processes, supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the environmental and digital transition process.

“Maremma is a particularly relevant territory for Banca MPS which has its origins and history here. The agreement with the organic district confirms the strength of the bond with these lands and represents a significant step towards strengthening the local agricultural sector also in an increasingly green way – he has declared Alessandro Faienzahead of the Business and Private Tuscany South Territorial Directorate of Banca Mps -. Through agri-food centers and specialist consultancy, Banca Mps offers new solutions dedicated to companies in the sector to increase the quality of typical products, with particular attention to the development of organic supply chains and the PDO Economy, a true growth driver of that territory and of our country ”.

Warm satisfaction also on the part of the president of the Tuscan Maremma Organic District, Antonfrancesco Vivarelli Colonna, who commented: “The agreement with Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena not only represents a significant step for our District, but is also part of a broader project to promote the territory and organic and sustainable agriculture. The agreement will allow us to offer associated companies easier access to credit, specialist consultancy and support in establishing and enhancing business networks. Furthermore, the consultancy in the field of subsidized finance and the support in internationalization processes offered by Banca MPS will be crucial to accompany small and medium-sized businesses in the transition process, allowing them to compete effectively on the market. We are, therefore, enthusiastic about this new collaboration and confident that together we can achieve important goals and create a greener and more prosperous future for the Maremma”.

The agreement is part of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena’s broader strategy to support the agri-food sector and the DOP Economy at a national level. Through its 15 specialist centres, located in the areas with the greatest agricultural vocation of the country, the bank promotes a model of interaction with the districts and agricultural businesses capable of responding in a targeted way to the different needs of the operators in the sector and the supply chains connected to it , with particular attention to the development of PDO and PGI rural districts, which represent Made in Italy excellence and a distinctive element of quality national production.

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