Italy 24 Press News

Anima Perugia and Orchestra per la Vittoria, here are all the candidates: «Two competitive lists»

by Daniele Bovi

«People with great roots in the territory, with important professional and human histories behind them, who have chosen to put themselves at the service of the city and the common good». Thus Vittoria Ferdinandi, candidate for mayor of Perugia for the centre-left, presented on Wednesday at the Giardini del Frontone the candidates of Anima Perugia and Orchestra per la Vittoria, the two civic lists that will support the 37-year-old psychotherapist.

Value added Formations that will have to be able to bring added value beyond party “fences”: the list factor will in fact be central in the challenge with a center-right which, on this front, has started well in advance. The lists for Margherita Scoccia will be eight: FdI and allies have aimed to broaden as much as possible (including formations with young people and the world of animals at the centre), given that every percentage point can be precious to avoid a run-off.

The names In total there were 64 candidates, with a slight prevalence of women (33). Many of the names (the complete list at the bottom of the article) have already been released in recent days: Anima Perugia, which will not have a leader, includes figures such as Leonardo Alfonsi, Sara Belia, Rita Coccia, Fulvio Forcignanò, Federico De Except, Daniele Paoletti, David Grohmann and gradually all the others. In the Orchestra, however, which was born from the council experience of Fabrizio “Fofo” Croce and Lucia Maddoli, the leaders of the list are precisely the two outgoing councilors. Among the latest known ones made known are those of the former griffin Michele Nappi, Luciano Bracarda, Alvaro Lanfaloni, Sauro Mencaroni, Giovanna Brenci, Sabina Morelli, Marco Peverini and then all the others.


Ferdinandi «I am very proud – said Ferdinandi – of the plurality and richness that these two lists express. Both involve the best transformative energies of Perugia. Citizens – he adds – who have made themselves available without asking for anything in return and are bringing a contribution of ideas, skills and values ​​which are the lifeblood of our political project. Two competitive lists, on the pitch for a Perugia founded on care, innovation and development.”

Cats For the coordinator of the lists, Luca Gatti, these are people who «are intimately linked to Vittoria and the profound reasons for her candidacy». Anima Perugia «collects the widespread intelligence in the world of work, knowledge, associations and social protagonism, understood in their broadest sense», while the Orchestra is a sort of continuation of the experience of Croce and Maddoli, a «dress rehearsal for the proposal with which we aim to govern Perugia today». «Also in this list – concluded Gatti – lots of space for young people, for the world of school, care and professions and sport».

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