Italy 24 Press News

Ancona, refuses to pay for the repair of your cell phone: the police intervenes – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

The police during checks in Ancona (archive photo)

ANCONA – Yesterday afternoon the police intervened near Piazza Kennedy, in Anconafollowing a report of a fight between two men.

Once they arrived on site they identified one of the men who had requested their intervention: it was a young man of Pakistani origin aged around 32, who reported that the man with whom he had argued had fled. The young man, owner of a cell phone repair shop, said that a few hours earlier a man had shown up at his business requesting the repairing your smartphone. After a few hours, back in the Pakistani shop, when it was time to pay the bill the man reported that he had no cash with him and, for this reason, they both went to a ATM located in the area.

The man attempted numerous times to withdraw money but each attempt was rejected by the bank. The young Pakistani complained to the other that he would have to find the necessary money, otherwise he would not get his repaired cell phone back. This stance infuriated the other, who railed against the young Pakistani, first verbally, then pushing him and forcing him to hand over his cell phone. When he refused, he would give himself over to the hasty escape losing their tracks.

The police then tracked down the man and, thanks to the video surveillance images, managed to track him down and subjected him to the ritual proceedings.

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