Italy 24 Press News

“No more deaths at work” strike after the Casteldaccia massacre VIDEO

07 May 2024, 12:09

2 min read

PALERMO – “No more deaths at work“, is the cry of many workers who took part this morning in the strike held in front of the Prefecture of Palermo. They ask that what happened yesterday in Casteldaccia, where 5 workers died, with another in serious condition, not happen again.

The dead workers were employees of the Quadrifoglio Group, who worked on behalf of Amap, a water company owned by the Municipality of Palermo, and one was a temporary worker at Amap itself.

Ridulfo, Cigl: “Yet another tragedy“

“This tragedy, yet another, it cannot be said to be caused by fate, is a calculated tragedy. It is the economic and political system that determines these tragedies,” he declared Mario Ridulfo general secretary of CGIL Palermo present at the strike.

“In a job market like that of Palermo, the worker, when he is precarious, is blackmailable and cannot refuse to go down a well or climb a scaffold“.

Lionti, Uil: “We have been asking for interventions for years”

“For years we have been asking for real interventions against accidents at work. Yesterday five deaths, the day before yesterday one death in Floridia, not to mention the other deaths. They are murders, not accidents,” he declares Luisella Lionti Uil Sicily secretary.

“We ask for a permanent table on health and for inspectors to monitor. Companies that do not respect the rules must close down, those who respect them must be rewarded. We register the awareness that many workers do not work safely. We ask – concluded Lionti – for a health table because when we talk about safety it is a topic that interests everyone.”

La Piana, CISL: “Safety must not be a cost”

“We hope that the sixth worker, who is struggling, can be saved. We send a big hug to the families who have lost their loved ones.” this was declared by Leonardo La Piana, secretary of CISL Palermo-Trapani.

“The investigators will clarify what is necessary. In fact, there is an overall problem in the world of work. It is important that there is awareness on the part of companies – added La Piana – that safety is not a cost but an investment and above all that people must be trained for what they do.”

“It’s not the first time we’ve come here to say no more deaths at work – he declares Andrea Brusca worker present at the strike -. The competent authorities seem deaf, they engage in pure demagoguery and the deaths continue to occur. Now the time has come, after these five family men who did not return home, to say enough is enough. We can’t take it anymore, it’s not right to die at work.”

Published on

07 May 2024, 12:09

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