Italy 24 Press News

Mattarella at the General Assembly: Italy with the UN for a fairer world

NEW YORK, 7 MAY – From Ukraine to Rafah, “two conflicts which have also brought to the surface sinister threats of resorting to nuclear weapons, as if the history of the 20th century had not already made their tragic consequences evident”: in the face of crises most acute international events of the moment, Italy undertakes at the UN to collaborate in the construction of a more just, safe and sustainable world.

“In the history of humanity, an enterprise like that of the United Nations arises to overcome the ‘zero sum’ game that characterized relations between nations, based on the rule that, in order to win, someone else needed to lose. The goal became to win everyone. Together,” said the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in the course of a complex intervention from the podium of the General Assembly.

The head of state spoke across the board, from challenges to global peace and security, to climate change, to Africa’s role in the future of the world. “Vetero-nationalistic impulses, neo-imperialist if not neo-colonialist impulses, competition between powers instead of cooperation, propose a polarization of the international system which harms the freedom and equality of relations between states and peoples and puts peace at risk . It is more important than ever, then, to strengthen multilateral institutions, starting with the United Nations.” On this front, “the objective of multilateralism has represented the fundamental pillar of our foreign policy and we proudly welcome United Nations offices and structures on our territory, from Turin to Rome, from Florence to Trieste, to Brindisi”, recalled Mattarella .

With Guterres, appeal for Rafah

Speaking about Ukraine, the head of state reiterated that the aggression carried out by the Russian Federation “contradicts the founding reasons of the UN and is even more serious as it comes from one of the countries on which the greatest responsibilities fall in the international community, as permanent member of the Security Council”. Mattarella joined Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ appeal to avoid military operations in Rafah “due to the dramatic consequences they could have on Palestinian civilians”.

And again on the subject of the Middle East, the president invited us to consider the essential function carried out by the United Nations Agency for the Relief and Employment of Palestinian Refugees UNRWA and consequently the importance of continuing to finance it”. Italy suspended contributions to UNRWA after Israel accused the agency of hosting Hamas militants.

The speech in the General Assembly entitled “Italy, United Nations and multilateralism to face common challenges” was introduced by the President of the Assembly Dennis Francis and the Secretary General Guterres: “Italy is a staunch supporter of the United Nations and international cooperation. Throughout its rich history it has played a central role in facilitating dialogue, promoting understanding and forging collaboration between peoples and nations,” said the UN chief, underlining that, in the action at the UN, Italy he has consistently demonstrated his leadership in advocating for peace, human rights and sustainable development: “He has supported our reform efforts, advocating for a more inclusive, transparent and effective United Nations. As discussions ahead of the Summit of the Future in September enter a key phase, Italy’s voice is more needed than ever to bridge divides, build trust and find solutions.”

The secretary general then underlined how “Italy’s priorities as president of the G7 – defense of the rules-based international system, dialogue with the Global South and human-centred AI governance – echo this vision”. Addressing Mattarella, Guterres said that his presence today “is a testimony to the enduring friendship between Italy and the United Nations”, thanking him “for his leadership and unwavering dedication to a more peaceful future,
prosperous and sustainable for all.” (@OnuItalia)

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