Italy 24 Press News

Cobas after the strike: “Disease has reached its peak in ATC”

“Once again a national strike, for the renewal of the contract, called by Cobas has obtained a very high level of support, from data in our possession we can say over 90% among the traveling staff”. Thus begins a note released by the Cobas secretariat of La Spezia.
“This demonstrates the widespread discontent of the category – continues the Cobas note -, the percentage of membership in our catchment area is among the highest in Italy, this demonstrates that among ATC staff the discontent has reached its peak, this due to inadequate salary conditions, increasingly heavy work shifts, problems raised several times by our trade union organization, but which no one has ever tried to resolve”.
For the Cobas, the note concludes, “it is clear to everyone that the situation is continually worsening, only the owners and the previous administration seem not to have realized it. This latest strike, with such a high level of support, should make it clear that it is time to make serious and targeted changes, improving wages, work shifts and travel times. After such an important signal, we confidently await a proactive gesture from the company.”

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