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Panchinaro at Palermo, best Italian scorer at Cosenza: the metamorphosis of Tutino

A double in style, with a masterful free kick and a volleyed back-heel goal, to bid farewell to the Marulla stadium. Nineteen stamps in the league, 20 this season, 3 assists and always on net in the last six games. Gennaro Tutino, a Neapolitan striker playing for Cosenza, is currently the best Italian scorer between Serie A and Serie B. “From the national team”, writes his club after the last match played which ended with a 2-2 result against Spice.

The twenty-seven year old, having returned to wearing the red and blue colours, has been reborn. The striker, who is remembered at Napoli for his performances with the youth team, has put the difficult seasons he experienced with Parma and Palermo behind him. Having left Campania in the summer of 2021 after having contributed to the promotion of Salernitana and having participated in the Italian training camp under the orders of Luciano Spalletti, Tutino moved to Emilia where he did not find continuity of performance. Even his stint in the rosanero wasn’t exciting (18 appearances and 3 goals for him last season from January to June), but in Cosenza he was decisive. His goals, in fact, helped the club achieve the goal of survival with two days to spare and come close to reaching the playoffs. “Thank you, this is what I feel like saying today”, comments the Neapolitan number 9 via social media. The post continues: “Thanks to my teammates, without them I couldn’t have done all this.”

“He is in love with Cosenza, he considers it his second home, after Naples, both on a professional and private level,” reported his agent, Mario Giuffredi, in a recent interview. Tutino’s future is a current topic: his contract is owned by Parma, but the rossoblù can leverage the redemption option to buy him outright. And there is no shortage of market sirens.

Source: NapoliToday

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