Italy 24 Press News

Acireale in the play offs, challenging Syracuse!

The embrace between team and fans at the closing whistle

Acireale violates San Cataldo, according to tradition, for the most important victory (0-1). A gore from Peppe Savanarola in the second half of the game was decisive: Acireale, almost at the end of a season to remember, reached the play offs. Which in this category may not be of any use, but for the Granata team, rebuilt from the foundations by a healthy and proud club, they certainly represent an important goal.

Acireale, courage and determination against an opponent who is anything but submissive

In San Cataldo, Sasà Marra’s team arrived with the support of a favorable tradition, but also with the awareness of having the means to keep a satiated opponent at bay, perhaps, for a salvation achieved in advance at the end of a season a little tormented, but far from willing to surrender. In short, it took the best Acireale, an Acireale capable of expressing the discreet consistency of its character and a mental attitude suited to the importance of the event to achieve a prestigious goal.

Vice-leader Siracusa will be the Granata’s opponent in the play offs

Because if it is true that in this category the play-offs are useless or almost useless, it is also true that, this season, a great number of teams are arriving in the play-offs. Siracusa, who contested the leadership of the tournament with Trapani until the end (92 points to the credit of president Antonini’s granata!) but also the Vibonese of patron Caffo and the Fenice resurrected from the ashes of Reggina: more needs to be said for ennoble the Granata’s feat?

Vibrant, hard-fought match between two proud and determined teams

Vibrant, hard-fought match between two well-placed teams, both proud and determined, committed to legitimizing their respective objectives regardless of whether they achieved them. And there is no doubt that Sancataldese can be proud of the salvation obtained in advance, without going through the play-out trap. Lu Vito’s team (last, in order of time, of the coaches who took turns on the bench) juggled the gauntlet of a troubled season well in which they managed to make the most of the 37 points gained on the pitch for remain in the top amateur category.

Peppe Savanarola, author’s signature, the most beautiful seal for those who make Acireale a faith

Vibrant match, I was saying, well played by Acireale, attentive and determined, not even a distant relative of the team that collapsed in Canicattì. Demonstrating that, in the group and in those who were called to manage it, this time there was full awareness of the importance of the event. For the Granata, in the end, a victory worth more than the three points it gave to the league table. With the author’s signature of Captain Savanarola, the most beautiful seal there could be for those who make Acireale a faith.

Dry match on Sunday at De Simone and without Acesi fans in the stands: will the Granata be able to keep up the motivation?

And now, Syracuse. The lions will be the opponents of the granata, a one-off match, in a De Simone match that will certainly be forbidden to the Acinese fans. One more reason for Savanarola and his companions to load up on motivation and try to break the bank…

Giovanni Lo Faro

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