Italy 24 Press News

Digos blitz against the Last Generation. The comment Cgil Padova

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Digos blitz against the “Last Generation”: the comment of the CGIL of Padua

In relation to the arrest of some “Last Generation” activists which took place this morning at dawn, with associated searches of their homes and the seizure of PCs and cell phones, what appears from a first reading of the reasons that led to this operation, it’s theabsolute disproportion between the crimes alleged and the events that occurredconsidering that these are young people accused of having attempted a demonstration action, which however failed because it was prevented, last April 12th at Palazzo Zabarella and for which they had already, on that occasion, been detained at the police station and subjected to all the procedures of the case. – he comments Aldo Marturano, General Secretary of Cgil Padua – Lor I’ll say frankly: apart from what appears to all intents and purposes to be a persecutory intent, we don’t understand the reasons for such fury towards young people who – perhaps with questionable but never violent methods – are fighting to open the eyes of public opinion on the catastrophic consequences that climate change has on life on the planet


We should talk to those kids, listen to the motivations that lead them to make radical and sensational gestures, understand the urgency that moves them and give them answers. Because there’s one thing we can’t ignore. Their questions are right. Instead they are treated like terrorists and considered a mere problem of public order simply to be repressed and silenced. – goes on – That’s not good. This is not how a rule of law behaves. What happened is yet another sign of the terrible climate that is being experienced in the country.”

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