Italy 24 Press News

Nuclear waste storage facility in the province of Trapani? The No of Pd and M5S

PD senator, Antonio Nicita: “No to the nuclear waste deposit in the province of Trapani”

My closeness to the people of Trapani who took to the streets today to say no to the national radioactive waste repository. It is unthinkable that an area like that of the province of Trapani, naturally suited to tourism and agriculture, could be transformed into a nuclear waste dump”.

This was declared by the Democratic Party senator and candidate in the European elections Antonio Nicita, absent from today’s demonstration in Trapani due to institutional commitments in Rome. His position is clear against Sogin’s decision to identify in the province of Trapani, Calatafimi-Segesta and Trapani, the only two suitable sites in all of Sicily to host 92,000 cubic meters of nuclear waste and other radioactivity.

I would have liked to be in the square today with the citizens and administrators of the territory – Nicita continues – but above all with the hundreds of young people who decided to join the protest. The mayor of Trapani Giacomo Tranchida did well to involve the schools, the future belongs to the new generations who must be increasingly aware of the real risks that their land runs. A land made up of beautiful landscapes, natural reserves and excellent crops cannot accept becoming the dustbin of Italy”.

As a PD group in the Senate – continued Nicita – we will do everything to make our voice heard with Sogin, the joint-stock Nuclear Plant Management Company, wholly owned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. It is absurd that the company’s top management decided to leave both Segesta and Fulgatore on the list of suitable sites for waste storage, despite the observations of unsuitability represented by the respective Municipalities”.

The actors of the productive and social world of Trapani are right to protest, the students are right to take to the streets, the local administrators are right to forcefully reiterate their ‘No’ to nuclear waste storage” – continued the Dem senator -. “The places belong to those who live there every day, no one is allowed to come from above and decide the fate of an entire population. We will put all our strength into play to ensure this doesn’t happen”, he concluded.

NO waste storage demonstration. Ciminnisi: «We hope for a clear and clear position from the majority and from the centre-right government». Trapani: «No to the destruction of territories that have an agricultural and tourist vocation»

«As we have already done in Segesta, also in Trapani, today we expressed our absolute NO to the national deposit of radioactive waste in our territories. As the 5 Star Sicily Movement, we will work so that the ARS approves the motion so that Trapani and Calatafimi do not become the dustbin of Italy. We are concerned by the fact that we have not yet heard an equally decisive NO from the centre-right majority, nor from the Regional Government. On the contrary, worrying rumors of “willingness to evaluate” the “economic opportunities” seem to be coming from authoritative representatives of the territory. As far as we are concerned, and our presence in the square today bears witness to this, no employment siren will be able to make us change our minds. We will not give up on defending our territory from yet another environmental and social massacre.”
This was declared this morning by the regional deputy of the 5 Star Movement Cristina Ciminnisi during the demonstration in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele in Trapani against the designation of the territories of Trapani and Calatafimi Segesta as suitable sites to allocate a nuclear waste repository.
Also present at the event was Francesca Trapani, coordinator of the Trapani Territorial Group of the M5S: «The Hon. does well. Ciminnisi to define SOGIN’s indication of the Calatafimi and Trapani sites as wicked. Areas, moreover, that live on agriculture and tourism, with a strong rooting in the land and a history made up of scenic beauty and gastronomic excellence which are among the main reasons of attraction for those who come to visit our land. The M5S of Trapani, consistent with the ecologist and environmentalist vocation of the Movement, will be at the forefront so that Trapani and Calatafimi Segesta are excluded from the list of suitable sites as soon as possible.”

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