Italy 24 Press News

Renzi: “My goal at the European elections is to get one more vote than Salvini”. Draghi in the EU? “He’s fine with everything”

The goal of Matteo Renzi in the European elections? “Get one grade higher than Matteo Salvini, symbol of a Europe in reverse. For me, 4.6% of the polls is not enough,” says the leader of Italia Viva, a guest of Metropolisweb talk of the Gedi group, also commenting on the recent polls regarding the “United States of Europe” list in which he is a candidate.

Renzi is on the pitch. And he reiterates that if elected he will go to the European Parliament. In the event of election to the European elections, he comments, “I will give up my office in Palazzo Giustiniani. It is hard for me, but it is right that I go to Brussels and Strasbourg. With Emma Bonino and the others we looked at each other and said: whoever applies, then goes”. With a clear reference to the candidacies of Giorgia Meloni, Antonio Tajani, Elly Schlein And Carlo Calenda. “There are scammers, thieves of democracy, who are running for office knowing that they will not enter the European Parliament. We have Tajani who should travel the world for Italian diplomacy and is traveling around Italy to get votes. You have the secretary of the Democratic Party who is running for office in two constituencies and you don’t have the strength to say that it’s a scandal. We are faced with a scam. Let’s give this message to Europe: we don’t give a damn about the EP, let’s use the European elections to count ourselves – he always says Metropolis – Even in the 40% elections I did not put my name. Whoever puts the cross on ‘United States of Europe’ puts the cross on a project and not on a name.” Again: “I interpret my battle for Europe as a service. As a father, I am terrified, worried about the situation that is being created on the planet. We are in the hands of a gang of bureaucrats. I am renouncing my position in the Senate, and it is hard for me. But, if the situation is so serious, we said to ourselves that whoever is running is really going to Europe,” she repeats. He thus criticizes many leaders of candidate parties: “If we run as candidates already knowing that we will not go to the European Parliament, we send the message that we in Europe don’t care at all. Everyone nominates whoever they want. We nominate people who go to Europe. I think that we need to send politicians to Brussels” otherwise “the French, the Germans and the others will always screw us and we will never be able to make an impact. If you apply and don’t go to Europe you do it to count yourself but the objective at the European Championships is not to count yourself but to count. We need politics, not influencers. So it’s a scam.” Meloni candidate? “I believe that having yourself as a candidate is a sign of mistrust towards your management group”, replies Renzi. And he assures that he will respect “the code of ethics of the European Parliament slavishly. I have never done any lobbying, I have always declared in a manner everything is transparent and everything is done in broad daylight.”

That 40.8% obtained by the Democratic Party in the 2014 European elections, for Renzi, was “one of the most beautiful pages of the Democratic Party, which has never seen that result there, and instead it was the highest figure for a party political after the Christian Democracy”.

Renzi focuses on Mario Draghi at the helm of the European Commission: “The former prime minister is fine with everything. If after the elections the People’s Party will be given the Commission and Renew will be given the Council, then I will propose it for the Council. Since in 2021 we sent Conte home to bring Draghi, making many people angry but, in my opinion, we did well – a tactical masterpiece that I willingly write on my CV – my dream would be to send home people like Ursula Von Der Leyenwhich is ideological, and bringing in someone like Mario Draghi”, specifies the leader of IV.

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