Italy 24 Press News

Marsala: The first planting towards the reforestation of posidonia in the Stagnone has been carried out

Mayor Grillo: “With the project REBIRTH the subsequent intervention in the northern mouth to improve water circulation and restore environmental conditions in the Lagoon”

The intervention aimed at reforesting the seagrass in the Stagnone di Marsala has been completed. It is a first project which, in the lagoon reserve itself, will be followed by the interventions foreseen by the more complex RINASCE project which, with the Municipality of Marsala, involves the Free Consortium of Trapani (manager of the Reserve) and the National Inter-university Consortium for the Sciences of Sea (CoNISMa). Approximately 400 thousand euros in regional funding for this pilot intervention of “experimental transplantation of posidonia oceanica”, in order to test its technical feasibility for its large-scale reproduction also with the RINASCE project. After the mapping investigations to identify the areas suitable for transplantation, the technicians of Planetek Italia, E-Geos and Biosurvey, also using satellite images, have created two experimental plants: one between Punta Palermo and Punta Stagnone, the other between Punta ultima and Punta dell’Alga. Modules carrying posidonia cuttings were transplanted, on the basis of what has already been achieved within the research/innovation PON both at Capo Feto and in the Gulf of Palermo. In particular, the system was created using an innovative product consisting of a biodegradable anchoring module. A system with low environmental impact useful for fixing plant organisms on the seabed, in order to guarantee their rooting and support their natural development.

In the Stagnone, oceanic posidonia develops particular formations that emerge on the surface during low tide and which play a fundamental role in the lagoon ecosystem. Formations that are of extreme interest from an ecological, natural and environmental point of view, representing, also due to their rarity, true “Natural Monuments”. “The primary objective is therefore the redevelopment and valorisation of the Reserve thanks to the reactivation of lagoon water circulationunderlines the mayor Massimo Grillo. This will improve the salinity and oxygenation of the water, reducing the negative effects on fish flora and fauna. And the next intervention will be to restore some canals of the Bocca Nord and the northern area of ​​Isola Lunga, in order to improve water circulation”. The reference is to the second phase of the RINASCE project – which has already obtained funding of approximately 1 million and 150 thousand euros (PO FESR 2014/2020 funds) – aimed at recovering the environmental conditions of the Stagnone basin and which includes a system of sensors that will monitor the effects, with simultaneous analysis of water quality.
Finally, another aim of the project is also interesting, that of creating an environmental communication and education plan for the benefit of knowledge of the area, in which citizens, tourist operators, visitors and citizens will be involved.

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