Italy 24 Press News

Europeans, Vannacci not eligible in Central Italy based on the Military Code? The Ministry of Defense denies it

General Roberto Vanacci, candidate in the European elections by Matteo Salvini on the League lists, is not eligible in the Central Italy constituency. Indeed, he would not even have been able to run according to the provisions of the Military Order Code. The thesis was immediately denied by a note from the Ministry of Defense, which wanted to respond to the questions […]




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The general Roberto Vanaccicandidate in the European elections from Matteo Salvini on the League lists, is not eligible in the district Center Italy. Indeed, she would not even have been able to apply based on the provisions of the Code on Military Order. The thesis was immediately denied from a note from Ministry of Defencewho wanted to respond to the doubts raised in recent hours by some parliamentarians and lawyers: the ministry “does not believe there have been violations of the military code”.

Vannacci’s candidacy is also causing much discussion within the League due to the general’s positions and in particular his latest statement on separate classes for the disabled, but for Salvini at least the danger of a problem legal. The regulatory issue had been explained by the lawyer Massimiliano Strampelliprofessor of military law at the Link Campus University of Rome, who was interviewed by Republic declared: “For the military there are gods legislative limits to the possibility of presenting the your candidacy electoral. Article 1485 of the Military Order Code expressly provides for causes of ineligibility to Parliament”. Among these, Professor Strampelli continued, “the ineligibility of general officers, admirals and senior officers of the State Armed Forces, in the constituency Of their command territorial”.

The Ministry of Defence instead it provides another interpretation: “After carrying out the necessary checks with the competent bodies”, the ministry explains that “art. 1485 of the Military Code, in defining the causes of ineligibility for Parliament, refers to the decree of the President of the Republic of 30 March 1957, n. 361. The Presidential Decree in question, however, regulates the rules for the election to the Chamber of Deputies“. The art. 1486 of the code then, continues the note from the ministry chaired by Guido Crosetto“in regulating the causes of ineligibility for the office of advisor regional, specifies that ‘general officers, admirals and senior officers of the Armed Forces are not eligible to be regional councilors in the territory in which they exercise command’. Furthermore, the aforementioned article specifies that ‘the cause of ineligibility has no effect if the interested party ceases to hold office for resignationtransfer, revocation of office or command, placement on unpaid leavea, no later than the day set for the submission of applications’”.

For this reason Vannacci, according to the Defense, is a candidate in Central Italy, where Salvini has placed him leaders. Despite him, before being suspended from service and turning to politics, he had been nominated Chief of staff Of Army Comfoter based in Rome. And the capital is obviously part of the Central Italy constituency. What can happen now? The evaluation will however be up to the Offices electoral and at the Interior Ministry, as recalled by the same note from the Ministry of Defense. But according to Professor Strampelli “it is easy to imagine that the defect of passive electorate could be asserted by any interested parties at the site dispute of the proclamation of the elected person before the national judge”. In other words, anyone could contest Vannacci’s election to the European Parliament after the results of the polls. However, the defense’s reassurance has arrived for the general and Salvini. And there is also another political loophole: Vannacci is also the leader in the constituency South (while in the North he is among the candidates but is at the bottom). His seat in Europe could therefore come from the votes of the South, regardless of any appeals.

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