Italy 24 Press News

Daniela Campobasso, elected general secretary of Filcams Lecce

Daniela Campobasso is the new general secretary of Filcams Cgil Lecce. The provincial general assembly of the union that protects workers in commerce, tourism and services unanimously voted on the proposal formulated by the national secretary Alessio Di Labio, in the presence of the regional general secretary of the category, Barbara Neglia, and the general secretary of the CGIL Lecce, Valentina Fragassi. Campobasso succeeds Mirko Moscaggiuri, who leaves the trade union after 21 years of militancy and two terms as general secretary. In the next few months the Assembly will meet to elect the members of the provincial secretariat who will assist the general secretary until the next congress.

Born in ’64, graduated in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures, Daniela Campobasso is a highly experienced trade unionist. Born in Bari, she has been in the management of CGIL Lecce since 1998, when she began her mandate in Filtea (trade union acronym that protected the rights of textile, clothing and footwear workers, later merged into Filctem), where she closely follows historical disputes in the territory, such as those of the giants Filanto, Adelchi and part of the textile sector, with particular reference to the textile companies of Southern Salento. In 2011 you were elected confederal secretary of the CGIL Lecce (in the secretariat then led by Salvatore Arnesano). Afterwards she leads the Nidil Cgil Lecce and enters the provincial secretariat of Filcams, where for 8 years she follows the sectors of trade, large-scale distribution and subsidiary companies.

The Assembly therefore rewards the work carried out in recent years, during which under the guidance of Moscaggiuri and with the support of Campobasso and Emanuele Sozzo (who today holds another position in the builders’ union, Fillea), the category exceeded 5 thousand subscribers. “Humanity”, “together”, “continuity”, “us”, “rights”, “collaboration” are the key words of the inauguration speech of the new general secretary: “The mandate of Filcams and the delegates of the Assembly is clear and I will work following the directions. In recent years we have reached important numbers, felt the closeness of workers to our battles, worked to defend the universal right to work, against precariousness, for the dignity of everyone. This does not mean entrenching oneself in the past, but on the contrary continuing to accept the challenge launched by the many transitions underway and taken up by the contractual renewals. So that Filcams continues to accompany workers on the path to asserting their rights”.

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