Italy 24 Press News

Tonight in Molfetta new appointment with the “Davide and Goliath” exhibition

The “David and Goliath. Information and Counter-information” exhibition returns today, Thursday 2 May, at 7.00 pm, organized by the “Free Palestine” Communist Refoundation Club of Molfetta, Unione Popolare, Cobas Scuola Molfetta, CESP (Study Center for Public Schools ) and USB.

The second guest of this 2024 will be Antonio Mazzeo, teacher, journalist, peace-researcher and essayist committed to the themes of peace, disarmament, the environment, human rights and the fight against mafia crime.

Mazzeo is among the promoters of the Observatory against the militarization of schools and universities, the network of movements, unions, associations and private citizens who are denouncing the widespread process of militarization of schools throughout the national territory.

In Molfetta Antonio Mazzeo will present his book entitled The school goes to war. Investigation into the militarization of education in Italy, Manifestolibri 2024, a text in which the author clearly shows through ministerial circulars and protocols between Territorial School Offices and the Armed Forces the war-mongering drift of our civil society starting from the places of education.

It is clear that the process of privatization and precarisation of the education system goes hand in hand with the process of militarization of school and university institutions. As happened in the times of fascism, schools return to being barracks, while barracks are converted into classrooms and gyms to train student-soldiers devoted to perpetual obedience.

Antonio Mazzeo will discuss all this with Michele Lucivero in the “Free Palestine” Refoundation club in Molfetta, in Piazza Paradiso, 20.
The meeting is free and open to all citizens.

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