Italy 24 Press News

Abruzzo weather forecast for today, May 2nd

In Abruzzo, initial conditions of partly cloudy skies are expected; increasing cloud cover in the following hours

SITUATION. Yesterday an Atlantic disturbance crossed Italy, but soon, as already anticipated, a new pulse of fresh air of Atlantic origin will reach the central-northern regions and cause a moderate worsening of atmospheric conditions. In inland and mountainous areas, in particular, there will be cloud cover, showers and thunderstorms which, from late afternoon, could locally spill over and affect the Adriatic sector.

From the evening onwards the situation will improve again, but it will once again be a temporary phase as unstable conditions will remain, once again during the central hours of the day and during the afternoon. A development of clusters associated with showers and thunderstorms is expected which, from the inland and mountainous areas, will extend again towards the Adriatic sector. A gradual improvement in atmospheric conditions is expected over the weekend, although on Saturday there will still be possible afternoon thickening and possible precipitation close to the mountains, improving by the evening-night, at least according to current data.

FORECASTS. In Abruzzo, initial conditions of partly cloudy skies are expected with possible cloud cover close to the mountains. Increasing cloud cover from late morning starting from Marsica, Alto Sangro and L’Aquilano; showers and possible thunderstorms, crossing towards the Adriatic sector during the afternoon. Snowfall on the Apennine mountains around 1700-1900 metres, but with snow levels decreasing around 1400-1500 meters
by the evening. In the late afternoon and evening the Libeccio winds will intensify again with probable Garbino impetuous on the Adriatic side and gusts locally exceeding 60-80 km/h. Large clearings in the Teramo area, in the Pescarese area and in the Chieti area.
Instability will return to manifest itself on Friday, with accumulations associated with showers and thunderstorms which, from the mountainous areas, will extend again towards the Adriatic sector, especially in the afternoon.

Temperatures generally stationary; probable temporary increase on the Adriatic side in the late afternoon and evening.

Moderate winds from the western quadrants with possible reinforcements during thunderstorms. In the late afternoon and evening strong Libeccio winds will blow again across our region, with probable Garbino on the Adriatic side and gusts locally exceeding 60-80 km/h on the foothill areas above.

Sea generally rough.

Forecasts by Technical Meteorologist Giovanni De Palma

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