Italy 24 Press News

Cosenza, Granata on the Turco-Occhiuto clash: “political bully”


An unknown municipal councilor of the city of Cosenza, elected on the list of Franz Caruso Mayorthis sign. Francesco Turcohe declares “sixty thousand slaps should be given to Mario Occhiuto for the harm he did in Cosenza and it wouldn’t be enough”. We even learn that the same is nothing less than “the delegate of Mayor Franz Caruso on relations with religious communities”.

“Many might think, other than relations with religious communities, here the attitude is that of a neighborhood bulletin of a person who is delegated to speak with the bishop and the religious communities on behalf of the Mayor of Cosenza Franz Caruso. It is clear that in the city of Cosenza we are in full decline and that there is a political fabric to be rebuilt. Unfortunately, there will be no shortage of political scientists from academia and suburban bars to answer that yes, that’s exactly how it is, that we need to let them learn the trade.”

“I’m not a political scientist, I’ve seen every evolution kind in my city political life and I would have much more serious reasons than I could lead me to appreciate “ductility” more for myself before for others. But the idea that i “idiots” (even those mentioned by Leonardo Sciascia) can suddenly change nature and that the ignorant can suddenly discover the beauty of knowledge He has made too much progress in me.”

“I’m not, I’ve said it too many times, and I don’t think so capable of being proven wrong, prone to “behindologies”. But I would be more of an idiot than those who don’t I would kindly define them as such if I stated that what counts in things is the facade and that there is nothing but the facade. The case we dealt with today is that of the political bully of religious neighborhood. Does the bishop of Cosenza think about it?”. The president declares it
of the Legality Democratic Lawyer Association. Maximiliano Granata.

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