Italy 24 Press News

the Annunziata in Cosenza «is the worst hospital in Italy»

COSENZA «The Annunziata hospital, despite the excellent medical professionals present and the recent hirings by the university, is defined by the national agency Agenas “the worst hospital in Italy”. And unfortunately, as we know, there is never an end to the worst.” Thus, in a note, the member of the national leadership of the Pd Carlo Guccione. «The most obvious point of a currently unstoppable decline – continues Guccione – concerns the number of beds. Of the 730 acute care beds envisaged by the DCA of the hospital network, 425 are actually active, i.e. 305 fewer beds. Can a hub facility offer an efficient hospital service for those in need of care who come from the entire largest province of Calabria? And from an economic and financial point of view, can a company survive which today sees a dramatic collapse in revenues from surgical and outpatient activities and therefore in services? A huge budget hole. Only in this way can we explain the enormous difference between labor costs and the total value of production and provision of services. To put it in other words, Annunziata’s labor cost is equal to 53.8% of the total cost, the highest percentage among Calabrian companies. The current management is responsible for a disorganization that produces less than it costs. L’Annunziata provides fewer services to patients. A top-down and authoritarian management that favors the continuous and unjustified use of external consultancy, which accumulates enormous delays in technological modernization and which does not make the most of the internal human resources assets.”
According to Guccione «what is missing, first of all, is a real vision through the development of an operational plan that includes a detailed timetable for the opening of the 305 beds that are missing. And which forces tens and hundreds of people with a diagnosis to camp out in the emergency room for days and days, waiting for some place to become available that should be there on paper but isn’t there. From December 2022 to today, the date of de Salazar’s appointment at the top of the Annunziata, the critical issues have increased rather than the opposite. Every day – continues the Cosenza Democratic representative – there are disservices, complaints, internal and external inspections. Lastly, a mass escape from the operating block, with a request for resignations and transfers, which demonstrates that in the beating heart of a hub hospital like the one in Cosenza there is something seriously wrong. And that puts the health of all citizens at risk. Only proclamations and good intentions from de Salazar. We expect concrete actions with a clear assumption of responsibility with deeds and commitments and certain dates. We can no longer continue like this. De Salazar – concludes Guccione – must commit less to providing consultancy and much more to preventing the Annunziata hub from being downgraded to a spoke. Watch out, if it’s there and we know it’s there, give it a shot…”


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