The ATM transport strike (metro, tram and bus) for Monday 18 September 2023 was also confirmed by the company, which published the timetables and guarantee periods. The agitation had also been announced some time ago on the strike calendar on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.
Organizing the protest at a national level are the trade unionists of Cub Trasporti, Sgb, Cobas private work, ADL Cobas and Faisa-Confail. Public transport staff should fold their arms throughout the day, with different guarantee bands at territorial level.
Metro and ATM timetables for the strike
In Milan, the strike could have consequences on the lines from 8.45am to 3pm and after 6pm, according to what was reported by Atm. Obviously, as always, the real inconveniences will only be discovered that day and will depend on the actual participation of the staff (here is the data on participation in the latest strikes).
That same Monday 18 September, again for 24 hours, the staff of the Autoguidovie bus company stopped throughout Lombardy (also involving the Bologna area). In this case the agitation was organized only by the acronym Osr Faisa-Cisal.
Autoguidovie and Movibus buses are also stopped
In addition to Autoguidovie, Movibus staff also stopped in San Vittore Olona in the Milanese area on the same day. Also in this case, as in the other events, we will have to wait for concrete participation but given the density of appointments it seems certain that on that Monday there will be a good deal of inconvenience for passengers.
Why is there an ATM transport strike
The strike was proclaimed to “claim the lack in the Ccnl of essential contents for the category, especially in relation to the ongoing increase in the cost of living, safety at work, working hours and organization and all those issues that require urgent and necessary attention”.