“Necessary request to strengthen the police force” – BitontoLive.it

We receive and publish the note from the city councilors Domenico Damascelli, Francesco Toscano, Carmela Rossiello, Ivan Lorusso (Fratelli d’Italia) and Onofrio Altamura (Patto Comune):

New episode of violence in our city: yesterday evening, around 8 pm, some gunshots were fired in the very center of Bitonto. A very serious fact, which demonstrates once again how security in the city must be an absolute priority.

This is not the first time that we publicly denounce this situation, because it is essential to address the problem with determination and concreteness. Bitonto, due to its territorial conformation, its extension, the number of inhabitants and the high level of crime, absolutely needs a decisive strengthening of the territorial structures of the police force.

We believe that the transition of the State Police Station from second to first level, and the transformation of the Carabinieri Station into a Tenancy, are fundamental. Only with a significant and conspicuous reinforcement of men and means, will it be possible to guarantee a more widespread control of the territory.

Last night’s shootings show that we can no longer waste time, because there is a serious risk that the situation could degenerate further and with only two more men, as pompously announced, nothing can change. Our proposal for an unavoidable increase in staff, patrol cars and mobile radios is clear and an immediate and decisive request from the territory is necessary. We are ready to commit ourselves, going beyond any party affiliation, for the love of our city. The fight against crime is fought with concrete actions, supporting and enhancing the very important daily work of the judiciary and the police forces, constantly engaged but numerically insufficient to stem the criminal phenomenon.

A few days ago, there were two bank robberies in the city center. Episodes passed off as events that could happen anywhere. Twice in a matter of days? Downplaying it means not wanting to fight.

We ask, once again, and we will never tire of doing so, the structural and definitive strengthening of the police forces to ensure effective control of the territory. The city can no longer wait. Intervening immediately is imperative. Bitonto deserves safety and serenity”.

Wednesday 3 July 2024


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