Ravenna Brigato Arrives. Technical, Gabrielli in Pole Position

Ravenna Brigato Arrives. Technical, Gabrielli in Pole Position
Ravenna Brigato Arrives. Technical, Gabrielli in Pole Position

OraSì Ravenna must untie the knot of coach, with Augusto Conti who seems to have disappeared from the radar of the company and Andrea Gabrielli could arrive, last year in Senigallia, who will bring with him Kevin Brigato, a 1998 class guard who returns to B Nazionale after the season in B Interregionale where with the Marche team he scored 15 points on average. Michele Munari, a 2005 playmaker last year at Unieuro Forlì where he obtained 20 appearances in the entire season, should arrive together with him. The certainty is the name of the assistant coach, the confirmed Giacomo Ravaioli.

Meanwhile, Mattia Ferrari seems to be headed towards Treviglio, a new B Nazionale club that will be created by taking over the Brianza title. The great expectation, however, concerns the composition of the groups, which will be announced on July 15. The deadline for registrations will end on Friday, Bisceglie has already announced that it will be relegated and other clubs could follow. In the list of possible repechages are Caserta and Salerno. Blacks and OraSì should end up in the South group, detached from Imola.

An air of farewells and thanks in the Raggisolaris house. “Faenza will always remain in my heart and I hope it can achieve all its goals”. Marco Petrucci thus bids farewell to the club after six seasons spent in the Faenza jersey, four of which as captain. A farewell that showed on social media the great affection he has gained over the years from the fans, with many of them greeting and thanking him. “These situations are part of the game and I think it is right that a club makes its own choices and believes it is moving in the best way – explains the 32-year-old winger – even if I admit that I was expecting it a little. I am sorry above all because I would have liked to achieve with Raggisolaris that goal that we have been trying to reach for a few years and I really hope they can do it soon. Faenza will always remain in my heart for everything I have experienced in these six years and because my son Leonardo was born right there in February. I wish the fans and the club to take many satisfactions”. Along with Petrucci, Begarin and Galassi also said goodbye and there could be other exits. At the moment, the confirmed ones should be Vico, Poggi and Poletti, but many situations are still to be evaluated. On the market front, there is talk of the guard Lorenzo Calbini, formerly of San Vendemiano, and Lorenzo Zangheri, a winger last year in A2. In Latina, then there will be a choice in which role to buy the foreigner.

Luca Del Favero

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