the list of countries with upcoming problems

We are still on the threshold of a hot summer for Poste Italiane in Bergamo. In the city and provincial offices, which from the next few days of July to the end of August will implement the seasonal closures in different ways and at different times, the staff shortage can easily be estimated at over 60 units («and these are numbers that we are certainly underestimating. The situation is almost certainly worse», says Maurizio Scarpellini, general secretary of SLP CISL Bergamo), and in the delivery, the structural deficiencies of postmen are somehow covered by the fixed times«with obvious repercussions on the quality of the service, since temporary contracts, which represent 30% of postmen in service, do not allow, due to their short duration, to learn about the work and the territory». However, starting next week, some of the most important offices will begin to implement summer hours, closing counters for a total of 614 days.In the smaller city branches, there will be around twenty “complete” closures in total.
There will be problems to Barbata, Caprino, Cavernago, Pagazzano, Pognano, Pumenengo, Torre Pallavicina Verdellino, Averara, Bianzano, Averara, Branzi Bracca, Carona, Bianzano, Cerete, Colere, Colzate, Cazzano, Costa Imagna, Dossena, Fonteno, Foppolo, Gandellino, Gandosso, Gaverina, Gromo, Gorno, Grone, Fondra Island, Lenna, Mezzoldo, Moio de’ Calvi, Oneta Ornica, Peia, Piario, Piazzatorre, Predore, Premolo, Ranzanico, Riva di Solto, Roncobello, Roncola, Schilpario, Songavazzo, Strozza, Taleggio, Ubiale, Valbondione, Valleve, Valnegra, Valtorta, Vedeseta, Viadanica, Vigolo, Sant’Omobono, Val Brembilla.

«The closure of the branches during the summer months is unfortunately now structural, for some time now the situation of the personnel in Poste Italiane has required substantial reinforcements and also the massive recourse to retirement has contributed significantly to creating the situation we find ourselves in today. Our appeals in the past years have served very little purpose – continues the unionist -. Today it is not possible to fill every gap or even make up for all the work that exists: the hundred or so “fixed-term contracts” in delivery can never be a solution, and in the counter we still see summer “transfers” of employees who usually work in large offices to counters in small towns, where a “single-operator” office is active. However, in this way, the inconveniences are shifted from small offices to large ones. We will continue to ask for significant numbers of new staff – concludes Scarpellini -. From September, the stabilizations for delivery will start again and there will also be new hires from outside. We trust that this new information can help reduce the problem”.

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