Salerno, end of July city council: majority meeting requested

Salerno, end of July city council: majority meeting requested
Salerno, end of July city council: majority meeting requested

The date is not yet there. But, like every year, the holidays of the councilors of the Municipality of Salerno without the inevitable appointment with the city council at the end of July.

This year there is neither the budget forecast nor the management report to approvealready passed (and rather stormily) through the scrutiny of the city council. However, the budget adjustment and verification that the balances of the budget itself exist must be provided for. These operations are not politically simple after the serious error committed in the drafting of the budget forecast. An error that forced the council to give the go-ahead to a variation to the same forecast only two weeks after its approval.

The situation

More than three months after that episode, the worries and discontents do not seem to have completely disappeared. So much so that someone has asked the mayor for a majority meeting as soon as possible. Also because the new municipal police regulation is about to be brought back to the council. In short, the story is always the same: the majority councilors demand to be listened to and hope for a more active participation in the administration of the city. The corridors of the third floor of Guerra Palacethe floor where the council groups are located, are half empty. The meetings of the council committees, in fact, despite the now ceasedin the Covid emergency, continue to be held online. Yet, there is no shortage of grumbling among the most assiduous attendees and even among those who pop into the Town Hall for a few minutes.

Many people don’t like the majority meetings are convened only before a municipal council meeting. Also because, net of the emergencies that forced the assembly to meet three times in four months, the city councils in the Municipality of Salerno have never been very frequent. There are several, and belonging to various groups, the majority councilors who increasingly feel the detachment from the council. In fact, they suffer the decisions taken by the executive, which they are only called to ratify. On the other hand, if the relationship between the council and the executive is not idyllic, neither is the relationship between the councilors.


On the one hand, the political councilors are each busy carrying out their own tasks. And team spirit does not always prevail over individualism. On the other hand, Claudio Tringali, the only technical assessor remained in the team of Enzo Naples after the sacking of the Professors Paola Adinolfi and Michele Briganteis substantially isolated from the political councilors. The acid test could come in the July city council, when the new urban police regulation will be returned to the chamber. It was last March when the councilor for Security and Transparency, having received approval from the council, tried to bring it to the council for approval. The item, however, was withdrawn at the last moment and postponed to the next city council because, it was said, the text to be approved had arrived too late to be discussed in depth in the competent council committees, starting with the Statute and Regulations committee. So the mayor Enzo Napoli and councilor Tringali gave in to the requests of almost tall the majority councilors, endorsed by the councilor Dario Loffredoand the regulation was called into question. In fact, two other councils were held after the one in March, but without the regulation among the items on the agenda. The July council should instead be the decisive one.

On the other hand, the text has been discussedI continue to discuss with Councillor Tringali in the competent committees. There are many issues at stake, linked to multiple aspects of civil coexistence and, in many cases, having a great impact on people’s lives, including the world of commerce and nightlife. It will not be easy to please everyone.


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