Catanzaro chooses Fabio Caserta to replace Vivarini

Catanzaro chooses Fabio Caserta to replace Vivarini
Catanzaro chooses Fabio Caserta to replace Vivarini

CATANZARO Fabio Caserta will be the new coach of Catanzaro. The official agreement between the Giallorossi club and the coach from Melito Porto Salvo should arrive today. The former Cosenza player, 45 years old, sacked by the Rossoblu club last March to make room for William Viali, he would have overcome the competition of another former rossoblù like Marco Zaffaroni. So, after a long wait due to the Vivarini quarrel, the owner Florian Known together with his new sports director Ciro Politohas chosen its new coach. A surprising decision considering the numerous names considered by the club in recent weeks, from Bianco to Corini, up to Semplici and Sottil. Just two days ago Caserta had expressed in an interview his desire to return to the bench after the negative experience in Cosenza. «We have always been outside the playout zone – he had said – and at the time of the dismissal we were three points from the playoffs. Then they decided to change and I do not question the choice. But we were beyond expectations».
The new opportunity still comes from his homeland. The announcement from Caserta could arrive this afternoon when the new DG and DS will be presented to the press Morganti and Polito.

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