Healthcare, Savo: “In Lazio, the need for hospital beds is ok: 5 per 1,000 inhabitants”

Healthcare, Savo: “In Lazio, the need for hospital beds is ok: 5 per 1,000 inhabitants”
Healthcare, Savo: “In Lazio, the need for hospital beds is ok: 5 per 1,000 inhabitants”

“The dismissal of this resolution after the work done in the Commission translates concretely both into a provision that the Lazio Region has been lacking until now, and into the definition of the territorial need for authorized hospital beds, trying to respond to the needs of the ASL of Rome and of each province”. Thus the regional councilor of Lazio of Fratelli d’Italia, Alessia Savo, in commenting on the session of the Health Commission of the Lazio Regional Council chaired by her, which approved the resolution relating to the definition of the need for hospital beds authorized by the Region for the years 2024-2025.

Thanks to the dialogue and consultation between the members of the Commission and the Regional Health Directorate, the need for authorized beds was approved, guaranteeing a percentage of 5 beds per thousand inhabitants throughout the regional territory, for a total of 28,574 beds, as explained in a note by Savo. On the basis of the planning agreed upon with the council and the health directorate, the distribution of beds outlines these numbers: 9,256 beds for the ASL Roma1; 5,111 for the ASL Roma2; 3,974 for the ASL Roma3; 503 for the ASL Roma4;
1,419 for the ASL Roma5 and 2,493 for the ASL Roma6. This is the planning in the provinces: 2,208 beds for the ASL of Latina; 1,794 beds for the ASL of Frosinone; 1,274 for the ASL of Viterbo and 542 for the ASL of Rieti.

“I thank the group leader of Fratelli d’Italia and those of the other majority forces – the president continued – the Council, the members of the Health Commission and the representatives of the Health Directorate, led by Dr. Andrea Urbani, for having found, in a climate of great collaboration and with a high sense of responsibility, the best synthesis to respond adequately, efficiently and concretely to the need for services, assistance and care that have emerged from all the territories of our region. I am very proud – concluded Savo – of the work carried out by the VII Commission that I am honored to preside over and that today approves a resolution of absolute respect towards the health needs of all the inhabitants of Lazio. This is how we intend to put into practice that good and fair health to which all citizens have a right, without any distinction. Even today we can say that we have written an excellent page of history that makes us proud of the role, esteem and trust that the voters showed us a year ago, entrusting us with the leadership of the Region”.

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