Wild boars captured in Taranto, animal rights activists protest

Wild boars captured in Taranto, animal rights activists protest
Wild boars captured in Taranto, animal rights activists protest

“The Taranto headquarters of the LAV, Anti-Vivisection Leaguehas already sent a request for access to documents to the Municipalities and the Region to know the real fate of the animals. If irregularities are detected, we are ready to involve the national legal office of the association to ask for justice for the wild boars”. Thus Rosj SavinoHead of Office LAV of Taranto, regarding the capture of what the animal rights association defines as “harmless family of mother and four wild boar cubs”.

In a note LAV reports that “a family of wild boarsof mother and cubs (who at most have “Permissions“to take a bath in the sea in Castellaneta – video filmed on social media a month ago – without causing any damage, if not only amazement and wonder for those who were able to witness it) have been spotted several times along the coast and in the town (photos and videos on social media), without causing any damage”. For LAV the problem is that “the Municipalities continue to not adopting the minimum practices that avoid difficult coexistence situations with wild animals”, keeping “one’s territory clean of waste all the year”.

“In the last few days, in the territory of the municipality of Castellaneta and Ginosa, it is reported that 17 specimens living in the woods were captured; that is, in their home” we read further; while regarding the risk of diffusion of the over the African pig (PSA) because wild boars are among the main carriers of the virus that does not affect humans, but which can have serious repercussions on livestock farming, “in Puglia at this time there are no cases of the disease” highlights the association.

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