Microdanza al museo

Microdanza al museo
Microdanza al museo

With Aterballetto, even museums dance: today and tomorrow, at 7 pm and 9 pm, Classis, the museum of the city and the territory in Classe, is conquered by MicroDanze, the project conceived by Gigi Cristoforetti to bring very short performances of six to eight minutes in unusual spaces for dance. Eight choreographers for eight pieces to be attended in succession, just like visiting a museum, escaping the traditional dynamics of the stage that wants the spectators separated from the performers. Thus the new event of Ravenna Festival, born from the collaboration with RavennAntica, renews the intertwining of historical-archaeological heritage and live performance. Already applauded in Athens, Brussels and Madrid, MicroDanze is a short circuit of codes and languages. Thus the narration of the Classis museum, the story of a city from its Etruscan-Umbrian origins to Roman antiquity, from the Gothic and Byzantine phases to the early Middle Ages, runs parallel to the story of dance: reflections, explorations and questions in the form of choreography, signed by Angelin Preljocaj, Philippe Kratz, Francesca Lattuada, Elena Kekkou, Ina Lesnakowski, Fernando Melo, Diego Tortelli and Daniele Ardillo. Near Life Experience by Angelin Preljocaj is an exploration by two dancers of a liminal territory of existence. Reflection on human experience is also at the heart of Active Motivation by Elena Kekkou.

Platform02, Ina Lesnakowski’s first step into the realms of choreography, is instead a challenge launched to the dancer to adapt the movement to a space that is progressively reduced.

In The Bell Jar by Fernando Melo, dance becomes an optical illusion. Afterimage by Philippe Kratz also has a strong visual component. Info and pre-sales: 0544 249244, www.ravennafestival.org, admission 5 Euro.

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