the first international task force leaves from Turin

the first international task force leaves from Turin
the first international task force leaves from Turin

It will be the first international task force to promote and study the impact of culture on health: it was launched in Turin at the beginning of June, as part of the event entitled “Culture as a resource for health. Health and culture – The other dimension of care”. «The Piedmont HPH Network proposed to the international network the creation of a task force of the HPH Network on Health and Culture, which was approved by the general assembly on May 17, at the same time as a second, central task force on the well-being of health professionals, which will also be led by Italy», explains Josephine ViolaCommunication and Training representative of the HPH Italia Network.

The HPH Network was founded by WHO in 1988. to guide health organizations: promotes and disseminates internationally recognized principles, recommendations and standards for hospitals and community health services, based on the principles of Health Promotion defined in the Ottawa Charter (1986) and subsequent documents.

The task force on culture and health will constitute an international point of reference for the International HPH Network and beyond

«The Network’s task forces are a point of reference for technical, organizational and scientific support on the promotion of Health – Viola states -. In this case, starting from the strong experience of projects developed in Piedmont in alliance and collaboration between the worlds of Culture and Health, and from the reports that emerged from a recent national research that we conducted as a network, we are comparing ourselves with the members of the international HPH network. The HPH International Task Force it is therefore a leap in scale for actions that can respond to standards, with targeted skills in medical humanities, evaluative researchbe replicable and permanently enter into treatment and prevention protocols”.

The study day, organized by the Piedmont HPH Network – Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services, with the Italian and International HPH Networks, in collaboration with CCW-Cultural Welfare Centresaw the participation of national and international experts to debate and document the commitment to researching new health paths, the quality and dignity of people’s lives, recognizing the value attested by a growing body of evidence and WHO policy recommendations of cultural languages ​​and practices.

Oliver Groene

Oliver GroeneCEO of the International Secretariat of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, was among the participants (remotely) at the event and Trendshealthcare interviewed him on the HPH network and on relationship between culture and health.

Gröne is also Vice Chairman of the Board of OptiMedis AG, a management company that designs, implements and evaluates Accountable Care systems to improve health, the care experience and reduce costs. He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Society at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany.

What is the International HPH Network?

“The International network of health promoting hospitals and health services (HPH) is a global initiative that aims to strengthen the role of hospitals and health services in promoting health, preventing disease and improving the quality of health care. The network was established under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and focuses on integrating health promotion into the culture, organizational structure and daily activities of hospitals and health services.

The International HPH Network comprises a number of different members, including hospitals, health services, health systems and other health institutions committed to integrating health promotion into their activities. These members come from different countries and regions of the world. In total, the members include 30 networks, 21 countries and nearly 600 different health institutions (hospitals, doctors’ offices, etc.)».

What is the importance of the task force launched in Turin?

«In the HPH network, Task Forces are thematic working groups with specific expertise within the general objectives of the international HPH network. They work according to terms of reference and related action plans and are a focal point for technical, organizational and scientific support for specific health promotion issues. Existing task forces cover areas such as migration, equity and diversity, environmental impact of healthcare, age-friendly healthcare, the specific needs of children and adolescents or the built environment.

Two new task forces have recently been established: a task force on health and well-being of health workers and a task force on culture and health. The task force on culture and health will be an international point of reference for the HPH International Network and beyond, synthesizing evidence, proposing standards and identifying examples of good practices. This is therefore a very important initiative”.

What is the connection between health promotion and culture?

«There is an integral link between health promotion and culture. Culture includes the beliefs, values, habits and behaviors of a particular group of people, which influence their behaviors and attitudes towards health and disease. Health promotion aims to improve health and well-being by encouraging healthy behaviors and creating supportive environments. Health promotion cannot be effective without considering and respecting cultural contexts!

Using culturally appropriate language and communication methods can improve understanding and engagement, ensuring that health messages resonate with the target audience.

Cultural beliefs and practices shape how individuals perceive health, illness, and health care. For example, some cultures may favor traditional medicine over modern medical practicesinfluencing their willingness to seek conventional health services. Health promotion initiatives that align with these cultural practices are more likely to be accepted and adopted by the community.

Furthermore, Language and communication styles vary from culture to cultureinfluencing the transmission and reception of health promotion messages. Using culturally appropriate language and communication methods can improve understanding and engagement, ensuring that health messages resonate with target audiences. Additionally, cultural norms and values ​​influence behaviors such as diet, physical activity, and social interactions, all critical areas for health promotion.

What is the expected impact of the task force?

“Understanding the relationship between culture and health is currently limited in many health systems. The task force will raise awareness among our members about the importance of this topic, through international conferences and advocacy activities. In this way, increasing awareness and understanding of the relationship between culture and healthhealth promotion managers can design more relevant and effective interventions, and also train others working in this field. Cultural competence of health workers is essential. Providers who understand and respect their patients’ cultural backgrounds can build stronger relationships, promote trust, and improve patient outcomes.. This cultural sensitivity helps to adapt health promotion activities to the specific needs of different populations. These issues have already been addressed in our standards, however further work is needed to promote ideas and implementation».

Why is patient empowerment important?

«Patient empowerment is a crucial aspect of modern healthcare, which emphasizes the active role of patients in managing their own health and healthcare decisions. The importance of patient empowerment can be understood through some key points. Patient empowerment leads to improved health outcomes. Empowered patients have more likely to adhere to treatment plans, take prescribed medications, and attend follow-up appointmentsresulting in better health outcomes. Furthermore, those who know their conditions can effectively manage symptoms, monitor your health, and make lifestyle changes that improve overall well-being. Another significant benefit of patient empowerment is increased patient satisfaction. Patients who are involved in their healthcare decisions feel a greater sense of control and autonomy, which leads to greater satisfaction with their care. They are also more likely to communicate openly with their healthcare providers, ask questions, and voice concerns, resulting in more personalized and effective care.

Patient empowerment is a crucial aspect of modern healthcare

Increased health literacy is a crucial component of patient empowerment. More informed patients are more educated about their health conditions, treatment options, and the health care system. This increased knowledge helps them make informed decisions and navigate the health care system more effectively. With increased health literacy, patients can critically evaluate information, weigh risks and benefits of different therapeutic options and make decisions in line with their values ​​and preferences. Patient empowerment also contributes to cost-effective care. Patients who effectively manage their health are less likely to experience complications that require hospitalizations or emergency room visits, reducing overall health care costs. Empowered patients use health care resources more efficiently, opting for preventive care and timely interventions rather than waiting for their conditions to worsen.

Health systems and providers can support patient empowerment through various strategies. Providing clear, accessible, and reliable information about health conditions, treatments, and healthy living is essential. Providing resources such as patient support groups, counseling services, and health coaches can also make a difference. Encouraging collaborative decision-making processes where patients and providers work together to determine the best course of action is critical. Using digital health tools, such as patient portals, mobile apps, and telehealth services, can give patients more control over their health information and care.

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