The increase of Tari in Marsala. FI and FdI: “Enough speculation”

The two parties that make up the coalition supporting the mayor of Marsala, Massimo Grillo, Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia, have issued a joint statement regarding the increase in TARI.

There is a wound that, however, is not yet resolved: the provincial coordinator of FI, Toni Scilla, reiterates the political position of the party, in opposition to the Administration. Going to the facts, the statement is signed by the assessors and councilors in the blue quota: Ivan Gerardi, Donatella Ingardia, Salvatore Agate, Vanessa Titone, Pino Carnese, Massimo Fernandez, Enzo Sturiano; and by those in the Melonian quota: Giusi Piccione, Ignazio Bilardello, Lele Pugliese, Giancarlo Bonomo.

There is a position taken by the two parties for the increase of the TARI: “Due to the obligation of contractual adjustments, all Sicilian municipalities, including Marsala, will be forced to increase the waste tax (TARI), with an increase that will be less than 10%. This increase is a necessary measure, dictated by the significant increase in costs. In this regard, the Regional Council has recently allocated 50 million euros to address emergencies, also following the closure of plants for the delivery of unsorted waste, which has further increased the cost. The City Council approved the deliberative act with a great sense of responsibility. This act was necessary because the extension of the deadline of the Economic and Financial Plan (PEF), proposed by the Senate budget committee, has not yet become law. If the national Parliament and the Region are still looking for measures to avoid further burdens for citizens, it is clear that the problem does not only concern Marsala. If there is room to review the rates, we are committed to intervening immediately in agreement with the City Council.”

Then the clarification on responsibilities: “With regard to the controversy raised by a group of opposition councilors, we recall that the current contractual obligations derive from the previous administration, which introduced the method of waste collection with bins and door-to-door. This method, in a large city like Marsala, makes the service particularly expensive, with a cost of 16 million euros for citizens, decided by the Marsala left, of which some of the signing councilors are an expression. We invite everyone to address this issue with a sense of responsibility, avoiding political speculation that we cannot accept.”

The press release does not add anything new: the incontrovertible fact is that there is an increase in TARI and it concerns everyone without distinction. The opposition councilors, rather than raising controversy, have expressed concern.

The internal problem within Forza Italia also returns in the press release: the signature of councilor Elia Martinico is missing, who in the Chamber has always reiterated that she is in opposition and that there are no other blue councilors except for president Sturiano. In fact, the group does not exist because it has not yet been formalized and there has been no convocation.

This situation has been going on for months and should have been resolved immediately after the European elections, but instead it is still stuck in Marsala, never adequately brought to the regional table.

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