THE VIDEO. Industria Felix Award, the 78 most competitive companies in Puglia

THE VIDEO. Industria Felix Award, the 78 most competitive companies in Puglia
THE VIDEO. Industria Felix Award, the 78 most competitive companies in Puglia

Acaya (LE), 2 July (askanews) – The 78 most competitive companies in Puglia have earned the High Balance Sheet Honor of the Premio Industria Felix. In the lead is the province of Bari, with 30 winners, then Lecce with 13, 12 from Taranto, 11 from Foggia, 8 from Brindisi and 4 from BAT. The 59th event, the tenth edition of Puglia, took place in Acaya (Le) and was organized by Industria Felix Magazine, a quarterly economics and finance magazine directed by Michele Montemurro, (out on Monday 8 July as a free supplement with Il Sole 24 Ore in the main Italian cities). Alberto Martini, director of wealth management at Banca Mediolanum: “Here at Industria Felix we meet the excellence of Apulian entrepreneurship, the same considerations apply to all entrepreneurs in the Italian national territory: there is a great need to look to the future, they are entrepreneurs who are facing important industrial technological changes that will impact the way of doing business” Luciana Hoxha, Business developer manager at Leyton Italia: “We accompanied all the companies in Industria Felix because we believe in this project, in their competitiveness and in their success, so we decided to be there”.Antonio and Riccardo Campana, Musa formazione: “We are here as active participants in this extraordinary project dealing with managerial training at a national level, we thought it was important to join initiatives of this kind”Bianca Maria Prete Partner M&L consulting group: “I see on a daily basis how the main requests to entrepreneurs are aimed at the need for growth, business valorization on the market and effective management of generational transitions”.During the event, an edition exclusively reserved for ESG themes was announced for June 2025, “Sustainable Italy that competes”, to raise awareness among companies on sustainability issues in the environmental, social and business management fields.The event was created in collaboration with Cerved, Luiss Guido Carli University, AC Industria Felix, with the support of Confindustria, with the patronage of Confindustria Puglia, Polytechnic of Bari, University of Salento, University of Bari Aldo Moro, University of Foggia, with the media partnerships of Il Sole 24 Ore, Askanews and Adnkronos and with the partnerships of Banca Mediolanum, Mediolanum Private Banking, Grant Thornton, ELITE (Euronext), Leyton Italia, M&L Consulting Group, Dalmine Logistic Solutions, Musa Formazione e Lavoro, Salentauto De Nuzzo. Below are the names of the 78 awarded companies divided by province in relation to the registered office: Bari (30): Accademia Italiana Medici Specializzandi SRL, Acmei Sud SPA, Acquedotto Pugliese SPA, Andriani SPA, Autoelegance SRLS, CMASRL, CMCSRL, Cantina di Ruvo di Puglia Società Cooperativa Agricola, Contact Italia SRL, Delizia SPA, Diciolla SRL, Edilportale.Com SPA, Ek Impianti SRL, GTSSPA, Greenblu SRL, Greengen Group SRL, Gruppo Tessile Logama SRL, GTS Rail SPA, Idea75 SRL, Lab. Instruments SRL, Loiudice SRL, Maiora SRL, Meridiana Agri SRL, Mv Holding SRL, Novaenergy SRL, Saem SRL, Sereco SRL, Sita Sud SRL, Vet SRL, Vetrerie Meridionali SPA.Barletta-Andria-Trani (4): Base Protection SRL, Ermetika SRL, Stir SPA, Tato’ Paride SPA.Brindisi (8): Abc Live Green Società Cooperativa, Areta SRL, Chemgas SRL, Saponaro Concimi SRL, Soavegel SRL, Tagaro SRL, Technoacque SRL, Unmanned Aero Systems SRL.Foggia (11): Avioman Maintenance and Aeronautical Construction SRL, Consorzio Stabile Prometeo SRL (Consorzio Stabile Prometeo SPA), De Cristofaro SRL, Garganica Residence SRL, Lotras SRL, Master Group SRL, NCD – Divisione Eolica SRL, OP Natura Dauna Società Cooperativa Agricola A RL, PAP Project Studio SRL, Sisecam Flat Glass South Italy SRL, Tecnologie Materiali Compositi SRL.Lecce (13): AET SRL, Antica Azienda Vitivinicola dei Conti Leone De Castris SRL, Deghi SPA, Eurorecuperi SRL, Galileopro SPA, Lasim SPA, Leo Shoes SRL, Mastek SRL, Muscatello Energy Group SRL, Palumbo SRL, Perrotta SRL, Ristosì SRL, To.Ma. SPA.Taranto (12): Cartonlegno Group SRL, Due Esse Christmas SRL, Eden 94 SRL, Feni Gioielli di Marzano Maria Rosaria & CSRL, Ilstudio Engineering & Consulting Studio SRL, Nuova Luce Società Cooperativa Sociale A RL, Nurith SPA, Progeva SRL, Tecnohome Inside SRL, Varvaglione Vigne & Vini SRL, Vis SPA, Zanzar SPA.

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