Federfarma Lombardia, posters ready for telemedicine in the region’s pharmacies

Federfarma Lombardia, posters ready for telemedicine in the region’s pharmacies
Federfarma Lombardia, posters ready for telemedicine in the region’s pharmacies

Federfarma Lombardia, following requests from the Region, has sent posters to its associated pharmacies to display to promote telemedicine services. Federfarma Lombardia’s initiative is part of Dgr 2405/2024, for the free provision of telemedicine services for heart patients, and aims to inform citizens about the services available, provided free of charge or for a fee, depending on the specific needs of patients and the availability of individual pharmacies. The posters were sent in three different versions to adapt to the different situations of Lombardy pharmacies.

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The methods of choosing and providing services

Each participating pharmacy has the option of providing both self-service services and those included in the pharmacy of services, or of choosing to provide only one of the two types of services. Interested patients can contact pharmacists directly to obtain detailed information on the telemedicine services available, including electrocardiogram (ECG), cardiac holter and blood pressure holter. Alternatively, it will be possible to consult the Farmacia Aperta app to find out which services can be booked at the various pharmacies in the region.

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