Barletta Weather, forecast for tomorrow Thursday 4 July

The Barletta weather forecast for Thursday 4th July predict variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, overcast skies with cloud cover around 96%, temperatures hovering around +23°C. During the morning, the clouds will thin out, leaving room for scattered clouds with a coverage of around 30-25%. Temperatures will rise to reach +26°C.

In the afternoon, the sky will be clear with cloud cover less than 10%. Temperatures will remain around +26°Cwith a light breeze blowing from the North – North East at a speed of approximately 25-28km/hHumidity conditions will remain around 50-55%.

In the evening, the sky will remain clear with cloud cover less than 10%. Temperatures will remain around +24-25°Cwith a light breeze blowing from the North – North East at a speed of approximately 10-15km/hHumidity will remain around 60%.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Thursday 4 July in Barletta indicates a day with variable skies, alternating moments of scattered clouds with clearings. Temperatures will remain fairly stable, with values ​​around +23-26°C. The breeze coming from the North – North East will contribute to making the climate pleasant, while the humidity will remain at acceptable levels. It is still advisable to pay attention to the changes in the weather during the day.

All the weather data for Thursday 4th July in Barletta

Full Weather Forecast for Barletta

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