“Mini changes for some bands”

“Mini changes for some bands”
“Mini changes for some bands”

Tari rates are rising in Foggia. The Budget Councillor Davide Emanuele defines it as a “minimal general increase” of the waste tariff 2024.

According to the calculations of his offices, it is around 2-2.5%. Speaking to FoggiaToday, before the debate in the chamber, he had spoken of “minimal changes for some groups of citizens, between 10 and 20 euros per year”.

Rates “will remain substantially unchanged”he said before reporting to the City Council.

“There was a slight increase in the overall Pef compared to what was estimated in 2022, but the new service contract with Amiu came into force and therefore, substantially, the estimated cost remained the same. There were minimal adjustments, not for everyone, but only for some categories”explains the councilor.

The Economic and Financial Plan validated by Ager has undergone an increase of 1,300,000 euros. The Budget Councilor explained that it derives from a general increase in management costs, fuel prices in 2022, a surge in the inflation rate and further Arera surcharges.

The tax revenue, as is known, must cover the costs of managing the service. Hence, the tariff update approved today by a majority. And the variable part that affects the tariff is increasing.

According to what was reported by Councilor Emanuele, the nuclei composed of one or two people “they will go to save”while an increase “slightly more substantial” it will be up to non-domestic users.

The opposition’s calculations are different: “A family of four will have an increase of about 50 euros”said former center-right mayoral candidate Raffaele Di Mauro. With numbers in hand, the group leader of Fratelli d’Italia, Claudio Amorese, detailed the costs, marking the difference between 2023 and 2024.

According to the councilor, only an increase in the rate of separate waste collection could lighten the bills of the people of Foggia.

“Since the activation of door-to-door collection for non-domestic users, we have recorded an increase in data on separate waste collection – Davide Emanuele reports –. Continuing on this path, surely, in the next few years, we will be able to also review the rates downwards, because the waste management service must be maintained on taxes, hence the so-called full recovery cost”.

The minority, starting with civic councilor Giuseppe Mainiero, highlighted the critical issues of the service.

“The service definitely needs to be improved – admits Davide Emanuele -. Councilor Aprile, the deputy mayor, is working on it. We are also working on a review of the industrial plan, because, obviously, by reviewing the industrial plan, the service can be improved. There will soon be new vehicles for cleaning the streets. In short – she concludes -, we are working on an improvement and implementation of the service”.

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