«It could happen…». Then the revelation on Ciao Darwin

«It could happen…». Then the revelation on Ciao Darwin
«It could happen…». Then the revelation on Ciao Darwin

Paolo Bonolis faces the world with his irony and always has a joke ready. A formidable career behind him and thanks to his irony and love of jokes, he never stops in front of anyone. Guest at the event of the BCT Festival of Cinema and Television in Benevento, the host tried to focus on his television experience also going out on a limb about the closing of his show Ciao Darwin. And not only that: Paolo Bonolis intervened on the issue regarding the hosting of Sanremo.

The words of Paolo Bonolis

«I am pleased that there is this consideration and it could happen sooner or later – explained Paolo Bonolis in an interview given to SuperGuidaTv during the event – I always believe that such an important event, at the moment in which one writes and thinks, must be preceded by a thought and supported by a thought that will sustain it throughout the evenings. That is, the story cannot be just a singing competition but must be so contained that it gives substance and specificity to that edition”.

The host spoke about the reasons why Ciao Darwin might no longer air. “I’m very happy with how Ciao Darwin went. It’s a show that has always been popular, which had some limitations to deal with because we live in a contemporary world where we walk on eggshells and some things were a bit too “shovel-like”. So I think that for this reason it will no longer be done.”


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