Cesareo sounds the charge and calls for protest

Cesareo sounds the charge and calls for protest
Cesareo sounds the charge and calls for protest

The paradox of Taranto: being considered a strategic city but, at the same time, isolated. And the fact that there are no more direct trains on the Taranto-Rome route is the clearest demonstration of this, so much so that the president of the Brindisi-Taranto Chamber of Commerce, Vincenzo Cesareo, took up pen and paper and called everyone to a “necessary united action of protest”.

A clear position, that of President Cesareo, especially since the isolation in which the city has found itself falls at a time when the most impressive tourist flows are being prepared. And here is the paradox that Cesareo highlights bluntly. “The Taranto area – Cesareo vigorously underlines – is defined as strategic for steel, for the Mediterranean Games, for aerospace and so on but it does not deserve – he adds – a banal fast connection with the capital. Yet another, very serious problem – Cesareo underlines – for citizens, perpetually penalized in their right to mobility; for businesses, particularly but not only tourism; for students; in a word, for the social evolution to which Taranto aspires and which, however, stops on the dead-end track of technical choices”.
A situation that makes the president of the Chamber of Commerce explode. “We are no longer here. I ask the other institutions – concludes the president -, the representatives of businesses and workers, professionals, civil society to unite us in a constructive and effective protest, in order to draw the attention of the Government to discuss together, at the competent tables, the future of mobility in Taranto”.

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