Missing in Rimini, Camilla calls her parents: “She’s with a boy”

Missing in Rimini, Camilla calls her parents: “She’s with a boy”
Missing in Rimini, Camilla calls her parents: “She’s with a boy”

Camilla Suzzi is alive and well. The 14-year-old, missing since June 22nd from Pianoro (Bologna), called her family immediately after an appeal to “Afternoon Five News”. Andrea Suozzi and Laura Pacetti, Camilla’s mother and father had launched a new request for help to find their daughter who had been missing for about a week. There had been warnings in the Rimini area in recent days, but none had led to the discovery. Immediately after the family connected with the program, the girl called her parents from a private number. “I don’t think she saw the broadcast, but someone must have told her – commented the mother -.b, we were on the phone with her and we tried to convince her and get her location. She seems far from Rimini, on a train. She told us it’s a boy, she didn’t even tell us his name. We tried to convince her to get off at the first station to try to go and get her. We hope we can find her, because we want to get out of this nightmare”. The father also revealed other details of the phone call: “She asked me to go and get her – he said Andrea Suzzi on “Pomeriggio Cinque News” -. Obviously I can’t get there in time, we alerted the police. She said she’s with this guy, she’s in love, she wants to be with him. The important thing is that she comes home”.

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