conference with minister Musumeci

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Italian ports towards the future, with an eye on the environment. This is the theme underlying the conference promoted by the order of engineers of the province of Salerno, with the participation, among others, of the Minister for Civil Protection and maritime policies, Nello Musumeci. The marine sector, from ports to logistics, as well as from shopping to pleasure and fishing, called to deal with the complex needs of the energy transition. Representatives of institutions, administrators, technicians and university professors discussed it in the conference room of the Grand Hotel Salerno.

“All sectors of economic activity are called upon to deal with the energy transition – said the vice president of the Campania Regional Council, Fulvio Bonavitacola, speakers at the afternoon of in-depth analysis in Salerno – We are in a period of climate change and Italy does not have raw materials that allow it to produce energy. It must do so with renewable sources, i.e. wind, photovoltaic. Ports must be part of this path. The entire port system must be inspired by the principles of energy transition. We are also thinking about the progressive replacement of diesel engines with electric traction engines and hopefully, in the future, hydrogen”.

The president of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port System Authority, which includes, among others, the ports of Naples and Salerno, is on the same wavelength. “From the point of view of energy transition, the port of Salerno is in a very advanced phase – said Andrea Announced – Work will begin on the electrification of the docks while in Salerno there are several projects started or about to be started, such as the extension of the Molo Manfredi”. Annunziata also announced that the intervention will be completed. It started with the redesign of the mouth of the port of Salerno, with the installation of turbines, which will use the caissons of the so-called Rewec system, to produce electricity by exploiting the wave motion. “We are preparing for an ecological transition that can affect the cities in immediate terms and times – concluded the president of the Adsp – But overall we must take care of a vast and wide territory. This will mean economy, because having a port and a city that care about the environment and safety also means attracting more and more tourists. We have recorded an extraordinary success for the ports of Campania. Reaching around ten million passengers for tourism is an extraordinary fact. We are second only to Hong Kong Bay. Furthermore, we are among the first in the Mediterranean to bring forward the discussion of the PNRR and all other investments”.

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