the South uplifted by Lecce

the South uplifted by Lecce
the South uplifted by Lecce

Italy is split in two, at least as far as the quality of employment is concerned. This is what the data emerging from the second report on 40 Best Cities to Work in Italycurated by Aidp Foundation – Work and Sustainability in collaboration with Effortpresented today at the The municipality of Naples.

Excluding Lecce (in 31st place), the results of the survey portray a reality that is not positive for the whole Noonwithout the capital of Salento in the ranking of capital cities, the South would in fact be totally excluded from the ranking which sees on the podium two cities from Lombardy and one from Veneto: Milan, Bergamo and Padua.

«The differences are already there – says the mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi – the issue to discuss is how to ensure that these differences are reduced and not increased and how the country can make the most of the potential of the South: the area that today has the greatest growth potential considering the geopolitical situation we are experiencing”.

«We – adds Manfredi – need a united country that exploits all the potential to create wealth that can be distributed appropriately. We need to look at a united country, too much fragmentation doesn’t help.”

Despite being excluded from the top 40, according to the promoters of the report of the “best cities for work in Italy”, Naples (defined as a “city in motion”) still records a small improvement, especially in driving sectors such as culture, tourism and university research.

“Clearly the economic situation is greatly affected by per capita income – continues the mayor of Naples – this has a great impact on the cities of the South and on the entire metropolitan area of ​​Naples; but there are other indicators where Naples is recording increases: a sign that there is a positive direction. Clearly the path is still long: In the first 40 cities in Italy, 38 are in the North, but positive signals are still coming from the South, such as innovation and digitalisationiIn these areas we see the South growing: this is the most important data. It will take many years to overcome the gaps, but it is essential that this gap does not grow but tends to decrease.”


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