Confapi Lecce: “Great satisfaction for the new price list from the Puglia Region”

Confapi Lecce: “Great satisfaction for the new price list from the Puglia Region”
Confapi Lecce: “Great satisfaction for the new price list from the Puglia Region”

LECCE – Satisfaction from Confapi Lecce for the update of the regional price list of public works in Puglia.

“We are satisfied with the work done so far and we hope that this method of listening and collaboration will also be used in the future” – he declared Carmine Nuzzacia Salento entrepreneur in the construction sector and member of the Board of Directors Of Confapi Lecce. The association has actively participated in the updating of the regional price list of public works in Puglia, through five different thematic tables with the presence of experts and operators in the sector. The new price list, approved by the Regional Council, came into force yesterday and, unlike previous versions, this latest one is the most complete with almost 16,500 price analyses, taxonomies and much more.

“There has been a lot of work – explains Nuzzaci – the result of a fruitful collaboration between the trade associations and the managers of the Public Works and Infrastructure section of the Puglia Region. Our requests have been accepted and the goal of a price list that responds to the needs of companies, which cannot be left at the mercy of international market dynamics that are difficult to predict, has finally been achieved. In the new price list, which can be used immediately, there are almost 3,600 more items than in the previous edition. But we hope that the contracting authorities can use it retroactively during the price review phase starting from January 1st of this year. We thank the Puglia Region for this provision: a dutiful thanks to the vice president and regional councilor Raffaele Piemontese, who provided the input for this collaboration and to engineer Roberto Polieri and all his staff for the work done. The price update – he concludes Nuzzaci – it is very important and the comparison between all the actors in the territory (institutions, trade associations and companies in particular) is the right way to address the issue. We hope that now we continue on this path”.

“On my part – he adds Joseph Petraccaof the Board of Directors of Confapi Lecce – thanks to Carmine Nuzzaci and engineer Stefano Latorre for their valuable contribution given in favor of the entire category”.

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