Juvenile prisoner escapes from Bologna

Juvenile prisoner escapes from Bologna
Juvenile prisoner escapes from Bologna

Roma, 02 Lug. – “A new escape of a prisoner from the country’s sieve-like prisons. This time it happened at the juvenile detention center in Bologna. In the afternoon, a prisoner of Tunisian origin, in pretrial detention for less than a month, who will turn 18 in August, disappeared while he was in the courtyard. It is presumed that he first climbed over the fence of the passages and then the perimeter wall of the penitentiary, taking advantage of the circumstance that they were not permanently guarded due to the chronic shortage of women and men of the Penitentiary Police. The Penitentiary Police and other law enforcement agencies immediately began searches, but so far without success”.

This was stated by Gennarino De Fazio, General Secretary of the UILPA Penitentiary Police.

“Every day, between deaths, suicides, murders, violence of all kinds, rapes and much more, the failure of the prison system is certified, whether it is the circuit intended for adults or the one reserved for minors, little changes, except the fact that in the latter sector it is even more serious. And yet, the Government does not lift a finger, with the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, who announces decrees to speed up who knows what, but proceeding with the speed of a sloth. And to think that it seems he even had the audacity to compare himself to Churchill. I do not dare to imagine what would have happened if this Keeper of the Seals had had some role in the Second World War”, states the Secretary of UILPA PP.

“If the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, really cares about penal execution, especially intramural ones, she should take charge of the matter and call an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers to decree the deflating of the prison density, there are 14,500 prisoners over the available places, to increase the staff of the Penitentiary Police, which is short of 18 thousand units, and to promote structural reforms. With each passing day the defeat increases”, concludes De Fazio.

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