Archbishop of Reggio revokes appointment

Archbishop of Reggio revokes appointment
Archbishop of Reggio revokes appointment

«Monsignor Fortunato Morrone, Archbishop of Reggio Calabria – Bova, announces that he has appointment of priest Carmelo Perrello revoked to parish administrator of Santa Maria del Buon Consiglio in Concessa. The revocation was made known in recent days to the priest concerned and to the parish pastoral council of Concessa”. The note from the archdiocese closes a matter that has been much discussed in recent days in Reggio Calabria.

This concerns the appointment of a parish priest, Carmelo Perrello to be precise, who had been tried for pedophilia against a young man of Romanian originsthen 14 years old. The legal case ended with the prescription. During the investigations, the investigators had reconstructed horrifying details of the abuse and found child pornography material in the priest’s home, with a side dish of wiretaps.

After an initial defense of the priest, the archbishop “has chosen – the note continues – to cancel the assignment conferred to the priest from Reggio to restore serenity to the priest himself and to the parish community“. This despite, it is an underline of the diocese, “in determining the provision of nomination of Perrello” the Curia has “acted in compliance with the current legislation civil, canonical and in compliance with the indications received from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Holy See”.

Monsignor Morrone, the note concludes, «intends to apologize to all those who may have found reasons for concern or of scandal regarding the aforementioned appointment and, at the same time, intends to reaffirm his paternal spiritual closeness and pastoral attention to the community of Santa Maria del Buon Consiglio”.

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